Chapter 104: How's Your Head?

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Enids POV:

It's been about an hour since the flight took off and it's been good so far. Right now all of us are kind of sitting in a large circle on the floor enjoying our dinner. The food tonight for first class was a chicken and mashed potatoes with some green beans on the side. Needless to say, everybody is liking it. Something about it is tastes different, although I can't figure out what it is.

I couldn't really tell you what everybody is talking about right now. To be honest I'm too focused on eating to fully engage in a conversation. I look up from the plate of food on my lap and try to listen in on what's being discussed.

"I have to say cucumbers, they have a sinister look to them if you ask me." Kent says through a mouthful of chicken.

"Cucumbers are a crazy vegetable in general. You wouldn't believe the shit people do with those things." Yoko adds, eating a singular green bean. Divina rolls her eyes.

"Why do you always have to make everything so dirty, is it a vampire thing?" Bianca scoffs. Yoko gives her a dramatic expression.

"I've never met a vampire who says the type of shit Yoko does that's for sure." Ajax adds, a few laughs are shared. I look over to Wednesday next to me and tap her arm.

"What are they talking about?" I ask quietly enough so only she can hear me. She doesn't take her eyes off of whatever book she is reading.

"Well, they were originally struggling to think about something to talk about as a group. But then Bianca came up with the great idea to ask the most moronic question, 'What vegetable do you trust the least?'. I swear she used to be smart." Wednesday says, not trying to quiet down her voice.

"I can hear you Addams." Bianca says from the other end of the circle.

"I wasn't whispering was I?" Wednesday returns, still not taking her gaze off the book.

"For such an anti-social person you really know how to piss someone off, huh?" Bianca says with a smirk on her face.

"Consider it a gift." Wednesday says finally looking up from her book. I smile to myself before I go back to eating.

After a few minutes of clearing my plate I start to feel very lightheaded, my nose starts running a little bit, and my mouth feels very tingly. I go to take my plate off my lap and onto the floor but I accidentally drop it, causing it to break into a few pieces.

I hear the chattering around me quickly stop and feel everybody's eyes on me.

"Enid, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Wednesday says, quickly putting her book down. She scoots closer up next to me. Ajax moves the broken dish off to the side away from my knees.

"Y-yeah I'm all good, just a little like...lightheaded that's all." I respond, trying to keep my eyes from involuntarily shutting.

"You don't look too good." Ajax says worriedly. Divina gets up from where she is seated and walks over to get me some water.

"Seriously guys I'm fine." I say, prepping up my posture hoping that will help for some reason.

"Did you eat anything that you don't normally eat? Drink something that didn't have a cap on it?" Wednesday asks me seriously.

"No no, nothing like that. I've had chicken and mashed potatoes before, nothing as good as this meal though." I say.

"Gotta agree with her on that. I wasn't expecting vegan mashed potatoes to be actually be good." Yoko says. Wednesday quickly looks over to her confused.

"Vegan mashed potatoes?" She asks Yoko. Yoko nods her head and grabs the dinner menu next to her.

"Yeah, vegan mashed potatoes. Although I don't understand why they would go the extra mile to make them vegan when they are literally serving chicken with the meal-" Yoko responds before Wednesday shushes her.

"But mashed potatoes have milk in them? How do you make mashed potatoes without milk?" Kent asks the group. I slowly rub my eyes, trying to make them a little less dry.

"They still use milk, just not cows milk." Bianca responds quickly.

"What milk do they use?" Wednesday asks her.

"Soy milk is the typical substitute, it's a pretty popular fan favorite." She says back. I look over at Wednesday to try and figure out what she is thinking. She alarmingly looks at me before talking.

"Have you ever had soy before?" She asks quickly. I eyes start to feel heavy and my body slowly feels like it's shutting down.

"Wh-what did you say?" I try to say.

"I said have you ever had-"

Wednesdays POV:

"I said have you ever had soy before?" I say urgently. I watch as Enid slowly faints to the opposite side of me, I try to stop her from falling but her head hits the ground. I quickly move over to where her head is and lift it up into my lap. Then I notice what's under her head on the floor.


The broken plate.

"Go get one of the flight attendants and ask for their emergency epinephrine." I say looking over to Kent who is closest to the door.

"I don't even know what that is." Kent says in a rushed, stressed out voice.

"Epipen!" Divina yells at him. He takes off through the front door and into the lounge.

I switch my sight over to Yoko. "I need you to go into the bathroom and find the medical kit, it should be right below the sink in the cabinet." After Yoko runs into the back bathroom I look down at Enid and sigh.

"God Sinclair, you stress me out."

Enids POV:

My eyes flutter open as I look up. I look around the room to see everybody staring at me. I feel part of my back to the floor and my head resting on something, and someones soft hand running their fingers through my hair.

"What happened?" I say, rubbing my eyes once again to try and wake myself up.

"You had an allergic reaction to soy milk. Did you know you were allergic?" Wednesday says, moving stray hairs out of my face.

"No, I've-I've never had soy before." I say, I sit up as slowly as Wednesday assists me. I still feel a little dizzy so I try to limit my motion.

"How's yours head?" Divina asks me.

"Pretty good I think." I say to her, slightly confused on why she would ask me that, especially in front of people.

"Pretty good? It's bandaged up because you just slammed it into a broken plate when you fainted." Yoko says weirdly. I give her a 'what are you talking about' look and she points to my head.

"Oh, my HEAD."

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