Chapter 96: Whatever Feels Right

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Enids POV:

I start to walk back to the dorm right after the sunset. I wasn't expecting helping Yoko with her project to take this long. But I don't take the government class, so it took her a while to explain it all to me.

To be honest I still don't get it.

As I approach the dorm door I start to smell something.


Wednesday is probably making something in there...right?

I knock on the door a few times. I know that it's my dorm as well but I always knock in case she is in the middle of something. I'm not to sure what that something would be, but that doesn't matter. When nobody answers the door I start to be a little anxious. A few seconds later I open the door and my eyes immediately widen at the sight.

I start to freak the fuck out to say the least. My eyes quickly water, and my breathing starts to get hitched. I ball my hands up into fists to try and contain my emotions. For some reason, releasing anger and tension in some way when i'm sad, stressed, or in a panic helps.

Blood all over the floor. Wednesday is nowhere to be found. The paper on the typewriter is empty. And there is blood under my bed.

Oh my god.

Someone broke into our dorm, tried to kidnap my girlfriend while she was writing, she put up a fight but she lost and now her dead body is under my bed.

At this point I am crying. I start to pace around the room. I'm too scared to look under the bed. So I chose to go into the bathroom to splash some water on my face of something...right? That works in the movies...and movies...they never lie.


Yeah no that's not right at all.

I speed walk over to the bathroom. When I open the door I see someone sitting down on the closed toilet, bloody towels all over the floor, with a surgical needle in their arm.

"JESUS!" I yell. I watch as Wednesday slowly looks up at me confused. Yeah...cause SHE should be the confused one.

"What's wrong?" She asks me worriedly, noticing my glassy eyes and red face. I sigh in relief knowing she's okay.

"What's wrong- holy fuck Wednesday I had a panic attack over the thought of your dead body under my bed, that's what's wrong." I say, leaning over the sink.

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry that you had a panic attack. May I ask what caused it?" She says, focusing her attention back to stitching up her arm.

"Are you serious right now?" I say laughing to myself a little bit. She looks up at me with a blank face. "The blood Wednesday, like...all of the blood on the floor." I watch at her realisation kicks in.

"Oh, yes...that. My apologies I was going to clean that up after I was done. I understand now I should have warned you in some way." She says to me.

"Warned me? Wednesday you have a four inch gouge in your right arm, i'm not expecting you to stop what you are doing to text me that your bleeding rapidly and that the floor might be messy. It just...caught me off guard." I say back to her.

"Next time I will massage you." She says reassuringly.

"Wednesday seriously you don't have too, just make sure you are all okay, then text me." I say walking over to her. She looks up at me, pausing what she is doing.

"I'll do whatever feels right in the moment next time. I know you don't like blood cara mia." She says softer than normal. I smirk as I slowly lean down to kiss her. She meets me halfway as our lips collide swiftly. I pull her head in to deepen the kiss before backing away.

"God Addams I thought you fucking died." I say laughing to myself about it now. I walk back over to the sink and lift myself onto it, sitting down onto he counter.

"Sinclair we both know you can't get rid of me that easily." Wednesday says to me, getting back to her arm.

"Could I get rid of you at all?"

"Highly doubtful."


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