Chapter 108

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Lee Know POV

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Lee Know POV

I woke up and squeezed Han close to me. Or I'd thought it was Han. Turns out my legs were wrapped around a pillow. I woke up confused as to where I was until I heard Changbin snoring on the floor.

He was surrounded by my cats and had even gotten Dori to cuddle him. I reached behind me but didn't feel Han there either. I remembered we'd fallen asleep during the movie and realized that he'd probably gone to our actual bed.

I got up and tiptoed around Changbin so as not to wake him. I giddily walked down the hallway, excited to surprise attack my fiancé with morning kisses and hugs. But when I opened my door he wasn't there. I headed to Han's room and checked there, too. I frowned seeing that his bed had also not been slept in. I was feeling a strange sense of dejavú but pushed it away. The Hwangs were gone and so were the Seos. Han was around here somewhere.

I made my way downstairs assuming he'd gone to have eat in the kitchen. Jeongin was sitting at the table alone having his breakfast. The sight unnerved me and the hairs on my neck stood up. It was as if I'd forgotten he'd been here.

"Morning," he mumbled as he texted with someone on his phone.

"Hey," I nodded. "Have you seen Han?"

"No, sorry. Maybe he's in the room with all of the boxes," he shrugged and bit into a bagel, refusing to look up at me.

"Thanks," I mumbled and headed upstairs and down the hall to the suit-closet-turned-file-cabinet.

"Han?" I called as I entered the room.

It was empty in here, too. The light was on, though, as if he could've been in here, and the box he had been going through last night was open. Beside it, papers were strewn about. I picked up the one on the top of the pile and skimmed through it...

It was a letter from the Hwangs to Han. It indicated that Felix was alive and they'd release him if Han agreed to train with them to take over the company. The letter was dated a few weeks after Felix had supposedly died. It had never been sent...

Felix was alive? I sprinted downstairs to the kitchen.

"Jeongin, is Felix alive?" I shouted.

"No," he laughed. "Why?"

He continued to text on his phone, and, frustrated by his inability to care for even a second, I snatched it out of his hand and slammed the paper onto the table.


Jeongin skimmed over it and looked up at me for the first time. He had dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn't slept. "I've never seen this before."

"Bull shit."

"What's going on?" Hyunjin asked, appearing from the hallway.

"Han's missing. I found this upstairs."

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