Chapter 27

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Lee Know POV

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Lee Know POV

I arrived at the building across from Han's at about 2 pm. I hadn't seen any movement inside of the apartment since I'd arrived. I wondered if he was sleeping in, or if he'd left to run an errand. I hoped he hadn't since yesterday was so traumatic for him.

Felix also wasn't home. After a few hours, I was feeling incredibly bored and a bit worried. I decided to go over and see if anyone was home. Maybe I'd missed something.

I climbed the steps and was reminded of when I carried Han. How hurt he'd been. How angry I'd been and still was. I knocked on the door and heard nothing.

I tried again. Surely, Han wasn't out today after what he'd seen yesterday. He didn't leave my house after the alley for days and nobody (as far as he knew) had died that night in front of him.

I knocked again. "I know you're home," I said, hoping I'd convince them if they were home to just tell me.

Lo and behold, I heard footsteps on the other side walking towards the door.

"Hi Lee Know," Felix mumbled as he opened the door. He looked horrible. His usual sunny disposition was long gone.

"Felix, are you okay?" I wondered if he and Changbin had, fought.

"Yeah," he sighed. "Did you need something?"

"I'm here to check on Han. Is he here?" I looked past Felix.

"No, he's not," he said. He did not look okay. Something had happened.

"Do you know where I can find him? It's important."

"Lee Know, what do you even want with him? You're just using him, right? He's a job?" Felix accused me, and I was taken aback.

How did he know that Han had been a job? He didn't know everything though, because Han had become so much more to me than that.

"How did did you know about that?" I asked.

Felix opened the door wider and motioned for me to come in. Every light was off which I'd known. That was why I thought nobody was here. I looked around, though, and saw none of Han's things.

"Let's sit," Felix said, moving to the sofa. He was wrapped in a blanket and looked like he'd just crawled out of bed to answer the door.

"Do you know where he is?" I asked again. I was beginning to worry. Something felt off.

"Lee Know, if Han is just a job for you, quit. Quit because you're hurting him. Quit because you deserve to feel real love. Quit because getting Han won't be worth it if it's just a job. Just quit."

He sounded so honest and so adamant. But Felix didn't know my feelings. He didn't know that I missed waking up next to Han. He didn't know that I kicked him out because of how angry I was at the idea that he'd lied to me. I'd chosen to just believe his letter, but that still meant he'd found me cold and closed off which hurt, too. Felix didn't know the way my heart skipped a beat when he called me Honey.

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