Chapter 64

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Lee Know and I woke up super early and headed over to Chan and Hyunin's house

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Lee Know and I woke up super early and headed over to Chan and Hyunin's house. Lee Know had no intentions of letting Seungmin stay with us since the house Mrs. Seo bought for me was purchased secretly and, therefore, the address was unknown to any hackers (Jeongin).

Lee Know's home, however, was bought like any other Seo property, so, if he dug enough through the databases, he'd be able to find it. We didn't want to leave Seungmin completely in the open by keeping him at his current home, but we also needed a safe house that was unsearchable for ourselves, too.

We pulled into the driveway and headed up to the doorstep. Lee Know knocked on the door a couple of times and Chan greeted us with a yawn.

We'd texted him on our way here, and he was not too pleased with how early it was. I handed him a drink and held up a bag of doughnuts, and he walked us into his kitchen while sipping his black coffee.

Like Lee Know's room at my house, this entire space felt cold and devoid of any character.

"Sorry about the mess," Chan apologized as he tore into the bag of doughnuts.

I looked at the sink which was piled with dishes. Scattered around the living room and hanging on the backs of furniture were various clothing items. In nearly every corner was a different pair of shoes.

"Everything okay?" Lee Know asked.

"Yeah," Chan rested his chin in his hand. "Just been busy lately. What did you need to talk about so early?"

"Well we have good news and bad news," I began. There was an uptick in Chan's energy as it peaked with interest. "Which do you want first?"

"Good news...always good," Chan replied.

"You don't have to seduce Seungmin anymore," Lee Know cheered enthusiastically, really selling the positive side of things, although, I'd swear Chan looked slightly disappointed.

"Why's that?" he looked between us for an answer.

"That brings us to the bad news...Seungmin needs to stay here with you."

Chan looked at us like we had 7 arms and a tail. "Why?"

I'd take 'why' over a complete shutdown of the idea.

"We ran into him last night..." I began but Lee Know cut me off.

"He high-speed chased us after stalking us at the store," he explained. "And Han confronted him, and he told us Jeongin's next move."

I walked through everything Seungmin told us, and Chan seemed completely unphased. I guess when you've been in the business as long as he had nothing surprises you anymore.

"And so he offered up the information as a bargaining tool to find somewhere to stay where Jeongin wouldn't find him."

"And you believe him?" Chan asked Lee Know. I was a tad hurt that my instincts weren't trusted enough but pushed it aside.

"I do," Lee Know sighed. He reached for a doughnut and Chan eyed the bandage on his knuckle. Lee Know noticed. "Just because I believe him doesn't mean that I don't think he's a prick."

Chan smirked and turned back to me. "I don't know how Hyunjin will take it. He's still pretty sensitive about everything."

"Is he here? Can we talk to him?"

Lee Know snorted, "Of course, he's here. He hasn't left Chan's side since we got out."

Chan rolled his eyes but got up to go find Hyunjin. Lee Know and I followed.

This house was a true two story and we went up the stairs and down the hallway before Chan tapped lightly on a door.

"Hyunjin? Are you up?" he asked in a low voice.

"You let him have the primary bedroom?" Lee Know chuckled.

Chan just shook his head in annoyance and creaked the door open slightly.

"Don't make any sudden noises. It'll freak him out," Chan whispered.

I thought back to my panic attack when Hyunjin had decided to stop by without notice and break in. I nodded and tiptoed after Chan.

Hyunjin was passed out on top of a lavender comforter that had obviously meant to have been Lee Know's. He was still in his daytime clothes.

"Does he always sleep like this?" Lee Know asked.

Chan nodded and sat on the bed beside him. "Hyunjin, let's wake up," he urged as he tapped his hand on his leg.

Apparently, Hyunjin was a light sleeper because he woke up right away and rolled over onto Chan's lap.

"Good morning," he stretched as his face was buried in the sheets. He yawned loudly.

Eventually, he sat up and noticed that Lee Know and I were there, too.

"Who died?" he looked between us.

"Nobody, but they have some news you're not going to love," Chan answered.

Lee Know explained everything to Hyunjin again and told him why it was necessary that Seungmin stay here.

"And if I kill him?" Hyunjin sarcastically responded once Lee Know was done.

Chan shrugged, "That's a risk he'll have to take."

"You'll still be here, right?" Hyunjin asked nervously. It was obvious he was very reliant on Chan.

"Of course," Chan assured him as he put an arm around his shoulder.

"Okay. I guess it's fine then." Hyunjin stood up and stretched again before pulling out his phone. "It's only 7 am? Are you serious?" he complained as he fell back onto the bed.

"Sorry," Lee Know grinned as he threw up a peace sign and ran out of the room.

I left too and Chan turned off the light in the room as we left.

"So I guess Seungmin can move in here," he sighed. "But he's taking the room downstairs. At least let us separate from him a little bit."

"Fair enough," Lee Know told him.

"So Jeongin's coming for you?" Chan looked at me with pity.

"Guess so," I exhaled and tried not to let myself be worried. If I let myself feel anxious about it, I wouldn't feel safe until Jeongin was dead...which could be several decades worth of living in fear.

"Well you've got Lee Know and I on your side. We won't let anything happen."

I gave him a small smile and continued down the stairs. Lee Know was finishing up his breakfast.

"Guess we should go talk to Seungmin now," I suggested though nothing in me wanted to see him again so soon.

"Might as well get it over with."

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