Chapter 50

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My heart fluttered, and I pulled back to look at Lee Know

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My heart fluttered, and I pulled back to look at Lee Know. He looked calm and certain and strong. It was so different from how I'd seen him on the projector screen. So different from how timid he'd been about his body before.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I went to move my hands from his shirt. Lee Know stopped me though. He placed my fingers back at the hem of his shirt and traced one of his own down my forearm. I felt goosebumps where he touched.

"I'm sure, Han," he whispered as he stared intensely at me. He looked so focused. I wondered how long it had been since he'd willingly shown someone what he looked like...I wondered if he ever had after his burns.

I slowly drew his shirt upwards. I remained fixated on Lee Know's face. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply as my fingertips grazed over his abdomen. I moved up further and brought my hands to his chest while the shirt rested on my wrists.

Keeping my eyes on Lee Know's face, I brought my lips to his skin and placed a kiss on his scarred chest. Lee Knew drew in a sharp breath.

I pulled away and pulled the shirt over his head. He stayed as still as a statue while I examined him. Like me, Lee Know's entire torso was scarred. All but a few recent ones had healed, though, creating a sort of topographic map across his torso. I followed one of the lines that wound all around his body and traced it from his waist to his collarbone.

Lee Know still hadn't opened his eyes. I wondered if he was scared of how I'd react or just nervous in general as this vulnerability was new for him.

"You're beautiful, Lee Know," I commented as I brought my lips to his neck. I kissed him and then kissed his cheek. And then his chin and then, I paused. He looked so uncomfortable.

"Lee Know, can you open your eyes for me?"

Lee Know exhaled and did as I asked. He looked scared and on the verge of tears.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Do you not believe me? Do you want to stop?

"It's not that," he started with a shaky breath. "I just...I never thought I'd feel comfortable enough with someone to show them what I look like."

"Are you not comfortable with me yet? Would it help if I took my shirt off as well? We look the same."

I didn't know how to make him understand that he was perfect to me no matter what.

"Can we turn off the light?" he asked. "I think that would help."

As much as I wanted to disagree because I wanted Lee Know to feel okay with me seeing him, I nodded. Maybe if I could make him comfortable with my touch, he'd eventually be comfortable with me seeing him. I turned around and clicked off the light.

While I was facing the wall, Lee Know wrapped an arm around my chest and walked us backward toward the bed while kissing my neck.

He stepped away from my back only to push me down onto the bed before climbing on top of me. I felt giddy at how easily his mood had changed. I could still see Lee Know enough, too. His chest was muscular. His arms were strong too, though I'd known that from when I'd felt his muscles under his sweatshirt. Most surprising, though, was how perfect his abs were. I wondered what kind of fitness regime he was following to maintain them so well.

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