Chapter 53

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The next morning, I woke up in Lee Know's arms in my cozy room he'd designed

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The next morning, I woke up in Lee Know's arms in my cozy room he'd designed. He was snoring heavily and had his leg draped over mine. I was in a Lee Know-sized prison, but, this time, I didn't want to break out.

I nuzzled closer to his chest and he impulsively closed himself even more around me. He was in a pair of pajama pants and a loose t-shirt so his arms were exposed. I was so proud of him when I'd seen what he'd chosen to wear to bed. Even if it was just in front of me, he wasn't hiding everything anymore.

"So beautiful," I murmured as I traced lines on his forearm. Maybe his brain would retain the compliments I gave him in his sleep, too.

I kissed his wrist and intertwined my fingers in his. I thought about getting up to make breakfast for us, but I didn't want to wake him. I didn't think he'd slept much when I was hospitalized...especially given that he had not only been by my side the entire time but also designing a house.

I heard the sounds of cats sprinting up and down the hall and then the sound of the front door opening and closing.

My chest tightened. I could've sworn Lee Know locked the door. I was frozen in fear and breathing heavily. My stomach was in knots.

"Lee Know," I whispered, nudging him with my elbow. He didn't move.

I turned around to face him which meant I had to kick his leg off of me. "Lee Know," I tapped his chest and the snoring stopped. He stirred a little, but his eyes remained closed. I lost my ability to breathe and gasped for a bit of air.

I could hear footsteps and my eyes began to tear up in terror. What if Jeongin had found us?

"Lee Know," I whispered a little louder between gasps, and his eyes popped open having sensed the terror in my voice.

"Hey, hey. Han, what's wrong," Lee Know soothed as he cupped my face. "Breathe Hannie."

My breathing was so unsteady it made it difficult for me to speak. "S-Someone's here," I stammered.

The cats ran in the other direction outside of our door, and I heard one of them meow loudly before a muffled "Ow! Fuck," was heard.

Lee Know listened intently, and I was on guard and anxious. I put my hands up to his chest and he wrapped himself protectively around me. "Is it Jeongin?"

"I don't think so," he replied but he didn't sound very convincing. We stayed quiet and listened for any hint as to who it could be.

We couldn't hear much though. They walked around the living space, and the cats sprinted back and forth from the end of our hallway and into the living room.

"What if it is?" My brain was going to the worst-case scenario. I couldn't handle going back to Jeongin's. I didn't have any information he'd deem usable, and I couldn't watch Lee Know get tortured again. It was the worst thing I could be put through.

Untouched [minsung]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora