Chapter 67

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Chan POV

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Chan POV

I threw on a long-sleeved t-shirt and basketball shorts and made my way down the stairs to help Hyunjin who was setting everything up as he sipped on a cocktail.

He hung streamers and banners while I laid out stickers and glitter for us to put on. I also blew up balloons and wrapped a gift for Changbin.

Han and Lee Know arrived an hour before Changbin was expected to. They'd brought the cake and another activity for everyone. Lee Know ran back out this his car and waddled in as he carried a very full drink cooler.

"I think that's everything," I told everyone as we all relaxed on the couch to wait for Changbin. Well...everyone except Seungmin who was stress organizing the candy drawer in the kitchen.

Han eyed me and back to Seungmin to encourage me to make a move on him, and I rolled my eyes before heading over.

"Hey," I said as I walked up and leaned against the kitchen island behind him.

"Hey," he mumbled.

"We should make a game plan for the partner game. Changbin is going to be here soon, and I don't want to lose."

Seungmin ignored me but continued categorizing the candies. I looked in the drawer and saw that they were organized between chocolate and gummy. At second glance, I also noticed that they were subcategorized by nutty vs milk vs dark chocolate and sour vs regular gummy candy. Then further sub-categorized into brands.

"Hey," I said more sternly as I pulled him by his waist and into me. He froze at my touch.

"We need a game plan so we don't lose," I whispered in his ear.

He turned around and leaned on the counter opposite of me so that he was now out of reach unless I stepped forward. I considered it...

"W-What's the game again?" he asked, stuttering.

"Pictionary," I reminded him.

"How do you game plan for Pictionary?" he asked

"Well, we could both draw something simple with the first letter of the answer. That way we only think of words that start with that letter," I suggested.

"That's actually not a bad idea. But... isn't it cheating?"

I had to stop myself from laughing. Who could've guessed that someone would find double-crossing people and leaving them to be tortured justifiable but cheating at Pictionary a moral corruption?

"It's not cheating if nobody finds out," I winked.

I walked back to the room to join the others and Seungmin followed. He sat next to me and his leg shook anxiously against mine. I placed my hand on his thigh to settle him. Han noticed.

The doorbell rang and Hyunjin flinched on the other side of me. I'd gotten used to it though, and so had he. He was frustrated that he was still so jumpy, but at least every sound didn't evoke a panic attack anymore.

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