staying over

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Charlotte, Jasper, Piper, Lily, and Henry are studying for a test they have. Silence falls upon the room and a sickened look upon Lily's face. "Oh my god." She says.

Lily runs out the room, Piper and Charlotte following her. Jasper and Henry are still sat down. Henry pauses for a moment, a puzzled look on his face. He then runs out the room. Lily is hunched over the toilet. Charlotte holding her hair back. Piper peering over their shoulders and gagging to herself every now and then. Henry enters, crouches down and places his hand on Lily's shoulder.

"Are you okay?"
"I think s-"
She leans back over the toilet and continues throwing up. Charlotte and Piper have disgusted looks on their faces. Lily turns around to look at
Henry, they look deep into each others eyes for a moment. They all take Lily back to her room.

"Is she pregnant?"
"No Jasper. Lily is in fact not pregnant. She's just sick." Charlotte retorts. Lily sits down on the bed, swings her legs over and leans against her headboard. Henry walks over to the other side of the bed and sits by Lily.

"Its getting late guys, I'm going home." Piper says.
"Yeah me too, my mum will be getting worried," Charlotte says. "come on Jasper."

They leave the room. There is a moment of silence.

"You should probably go to sleep.." Henry whispers. Lily nods slightly. Henry holds her shoulder as she lays down. He places a blanket over her. He packs up his things to leave and Lily rolls over to face him.

"Can you stay with me?"
"Of course."
Lily gently smiles and closes her eyes while Henry puts his bag on the floor and sits beside her. He puts his arm around her.

"So what do you guys think?" Piper asks as the three of them walk home.
"Of what?" Charlotte asks.
"Lily and Henry. They're obviously hiding something from us. But I like the idea of them. They're cute together."
Charlotte has a sad look on her face. They stop walking.
"What are you so upset about? Henrys is a prick."
"I read her diary. She's taking a liking to Henry if ya know what I mean."
Jasper winks at the girls. Charlotte gives Jasper a dirty look.
"No I am not!" Charlotte shouts. Jasper raises his eyebrows in disagreement.

Next morning, Lilys bedroom.

Henry and Lily are asleep on her bed. They others burst in. Lily rubs her eyes.
"What are you lot doing here at this time?" Lily asks.
"Well we're hardly early. It's 11 in the morning.." Charlotte says.
"No it's not." Lily says, checking her watch to see that it is, in fact, 11 o clock.

"Holy crap! Henry wake up! Henry! Henry!" She shakes Henrys shoulder, he wakes up and rubs his eyes.
"Henry its 11 o clock in the morning. We slept for twelve hours."
"You might have. I didn't."

Lily makes a confused face and glances at the girls.
"So what were you doing..?" She asks.
"Revising, watching you."
"Pervert." Piper remarks. Henry and Piper exchange glances.
"That's creepy Henry." Jasper says.
"Thank you, Jasper."

"So you guys slept together last night?" Charlotte asks.
"She asked me to stay with her. I couldn't say no." Henry says, getting out of bed.
"I'm sure you could've."
"I'm sorry?"
"Charlotte's jealous you slept with Lily!" Jasper exclaims.
"Jasper!" Charlotte yells.
"I couldnt keep it in any longer. It's true. I read her diary."
"Thanks, Jasper." Charlotte says sarcastically.

"Your jealous of me?" Henry asks.
"No you div. She's jealous of Lily." Piper says.
"I am not jealous of anyone!"
"Why didn't you tell me Charlotte?"
"Because I'm not jealous!"
"Well. While you all sort this out I'm going to get changed." Henry says.
"Dads in the bathroom, just get changed in here." Lily says.

Henry takes his shirt off and reaches for a clean one from his bag while trying to cover himself up. Lily is caught staring at him by Piper.
"What are you on? It's bad enough he stays over but now your watching him get changed. Are you on drugs?"
"I think he's cute."
"And I think your on drugs." She says.

yoo !! 708 words, I'm trying to make longer chapters idk when the writers block will die off 😭😭

henry hart one shots 🫶Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang