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Lily was in Henrys bed, sick as a dog, shivering but she had a fever, throwing up, sore throat and couldn't stop coughing, Schwoz, Charlotte, Jasper, Henry and Ray all knew that it wasn't contagious, but Henry was looking after Lily while Ray was on a mission. Lily and Henry aren't dating in my mind, but you can pick and choose

"I'm going to check on your soup, it should be done soon"
Henry said as he walked out,
"ughh" she murmered, rubbing her head and curling up into a ball, she had no appetite and had barely eaten in the past few days.

Henry got up and scooped a spoon full of soup and gave it to lily, she slowly opened her mouth and allowed him to feed it to her.

"I'm not hungry" she murmered, as she rolled over.
"Lily you need to eat okay, or else you arent going to feel any better, just take small bites, here, let me help you sit up a bit." Henry replied

She let henry help her sit up and rubbed her eyes, she reluctantly ate another spoonful of soup.

"Just a little more and you'll feel better, okay?"

She sighed, eating another spoonful, she shivered again.
"Can I have the blankets back?" she whispered,
"You know your temperatures too high for you to have a blanket."
"Please? I'm freezing"
"I'll give you a blanket if you eat some more soup okay?"

She sighed again, nodding and propping herself up more. Henry sat next to her, looking at her pale face, he couldn't help but feel worried about her. He knew she was strong, but this illness seemed to have taken a toll on her. All of a sudden she leaned over to the bucket by the side of the bed, throwing up the soup she just ate.

"It's okay, don't force yourself if you can't keep it down. Just rest and try again later." Henry said while gently rubbing her back.

She sat up, wiping her mouth and rubbing her head, throwing up had only made her headache worse.

"You feel any better?"
She shook her head as she groaned, rubbing her head in pain. Henry looked at Lily closely, concern etched on his face, he knew she was really suffering.

"Lily, we need to take your temperature and rehydrate you properly. I don't want to risk you getting any sicker than you already are."

She scrunched her face as he said "Take your temperature and rehydrate" knowing that she would just throw up anything she tried to digest.

"I'll be right here with you, holding your hair back and making sure you're okay. Deal?"
"Deal" She whispered as he picked up the thermometer,

Henry held the thermometer under Lily's tongue "Here we go. Hold still," He waited for the beep, carefully taking it out and looking at the reading. "Alright, you're a little over 100 degrees. Not good, sweetie." He said, trying to lighten the mood a little bit. She groaned again and let her head fall back, regretting it instantly as her head pounded.

"I know, Lily. I'm sorry. But we have to get you to drink this rehydration solution. It's going to help replace the fluids you've lost and make you feel better. Can you please try?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I'm just going to throw it up" She replied.
"I know it's hard, but try to hold it down for as long as you can. Take small sips and you can rest between them."

Henry handed her a cup of the solution and sat beside her, holding her hand and offering comfort. She picked up the cup, took a sip and winced as she tasted it.

"I know it's not great tasting, but it's what's gonna make you feel better. Just take your time and sip slowly."

Henry spoke gently, trying to ease the discomfort that she was feeling. She moaned in pain and rubbed her eyes, turning away from the cup and laying back down.

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