a movie

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"Morning.." She said.
Henry walked down the hallway of their apartment building, his bag slung over his shoulder. He was dressed in casual attire, typical of someone who just got back from work. "Morning." He mumbled, not looking at her as he continued to walk towards the elevator.

"Everything alright? You look miserable."
"Yeah, just a long day at work." Henry sighed.
Lily nodded in response. "I'll uh- see you around.."
"Yeah, you too." Henry muttered as he stepped into the elevator, not really in the mood for conversation. He pressed the button for his floor and leaned against the wall, still lost in thought.

She turned around. "Um- look- my friend.. she's looking for a guy.. are you single?"
"Huh?" Henry looked up from his thoughts, slightly taken aback by her question. "Uh, yeah.." He replied, trying to sound casual about it.
"You guys would make a really cute couple.. can I give you her number?"
"Sure, why not?" Henry shrugged, not really seeing the harm in it. He took the piece of paper from her and tucked it into his pocket, trying his best to look nonchalant about the whole thing.
"Thanks.." She said, walking away.

A few days later, Henry and Lucy, Lily's friend, went on a double date with Lily, and some gay guy, a friend of hers. Henry didn't really expect anything to come out of it, but he was pleasantly surprised when he found himself enjoying the double date. They went to a small, quaint restaurant and ordered some food. Henry found Lucy quite interesting enough, but he caught himself looking at Lily, a bit too much considering he was on a date with her friend.
Lucy and the other guy went home together, and Henry agreed to drive Lily home with him.

"So, what so you think of her?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah.. she's nice."
"You can tell me if you don't like her."
"No, no I mean I like her. I just... I don't know, there's something about her." Henry admitted, his heart racing slightly as he thought about how close they were sitting in the car.

"She talks too much. We see it too, dont tell her, but it's the reason her last boyfriend dumped her. She's been unbearable." Lily chuckled.
"Yeah, I can see that being a problem." He laughed, trying to keep his voice light.

"You swear you won't tell anyone this?"
"I promise."
"The last time we set her up on a date, the guy hated her so much he convinced us to help him fake his own death so he didn't have to see her again." She admitted.

He chuckled, pulling into the car park.
"You don't have to see her again of you don't want too. We'll handle it."
Henry smiled. "I'm actually looking forward to seeing her again. There's something about her that intrigues me."
"You'll get fed up sooner or
"I hope not." Henry said with a grin as he turned off the engine and took a deep breath.

A few weeks later, they all went out again. Henry ended up driving Lily home.
"Hate her yet? Want me to tell her you died?" She joked.
"Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the offer though." Henry said, trying his best not to laugh too hard at her joke. "I think I can handle her." He added with a grin.

The next date they went on ended with Henry and Lucy going back to his apartment, they were in bed, watching a movie. Lucy talked the whole way through, much to his annoyance. The next morning, Henry knocked on Lily's door. "I think I'm done."

"Did you guys watch a movie?"
"Yeah, we did, does she ever stop talking? I mean- it was bearable at first- but I actually wanted to watch that movie. I couldnt even tell you what happened!"
"Well.. how about I text her and get her to delete your number- say something happened to you and you aren't ready for a relationship- and then you and I could watch that movie? I'll stay silent I swear." She said, stepping closer to him.

"Really? That sounds great.. Thanks. I'll see you at seven?"
"Seven sounds great."
"Alright, seven it is. Thanks again, Lily." He said with a sigh of relief, finally deciding he'd had enough of Lucy's incessant chatter.

At seven, she went to his apartment. Henry was waiting for Lily at his door, a small smile playing on his lips. He was excited to watch the movie with her and have some peace and quiet after his last disastrous date. She knocked on the door, wearing black leggings and a black long sleeve bodysuit.

"Hey there, Lily. Come on in." He said, opening the door with a warm grin. She walked inside, sitting on the sofa with him.
"I've been looking forward to this all day. It's been so quiet without Lucy around." He chuckled, picking up the remote and turning on the TV.

"So, what movie were you and Lucy watching the other day?" She asked.
"Oh, uh, it was just something random we found on Netflix. Nothing special." Henry replied, trying not to think about the movie or Lucy's constant babbling.

He clicked through the menu until he found the movie they'd been watching and hit play. Lily and Henry slowly got closer throughout the night, eventually ending the movie with his arm around her. As the movie ended, Henry couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. He'd enjoyed watching the film with Lily, her presence much more calming and engaging than he'd anticipated.

"Wow, I really overestimated how good that movie would be."
"Well, it's only half eight, we could watch another one if you're that bored."
"Bored? Not at all.. I was actually quite entertained tonight." He glanced at her, his eyes softening. "But I wouldn't mind watching another movie with you if you'd like." He suggested.
"Sure, I heard that Robert and the Toymaker is really good, its a horror."

"Horror? Well, I can handle a little suspense." He said, reaching for the remote again.
They started watching the movie. "I forget how much dolls creep me out.."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from any rogue toys that might decide to come alive." He playfully nudged her shoulder, his eyes never leaving the screen.
"That's not even funny to joke about." She half sarcastically said.

She laid her head on his shoulder, shuffling closer. He chuckled, relishing the closeness they shared. Despite his initial attraction to her, he found himself appreciating Lily for more than just her looks. She managed to get through this the movie, occasionally hiding her face in Henrys shoulder at the jumpscares.

"That was horrific."
"It's true, not for the faint of heart that one." He gave her a gentle squeeze, smiling down at her.
"I don't think I'll sleep tonight."
"I'll make sure nothing scares you in the night." He smiled softly, pulling her tighter against him.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She said, smirking.
"It means I'll turn your nightmares into sweet dreams."

"How so?" She questioned.
"Sleep with me tonight?"
"How could I decline?" She teased, kissing his cheek.
"You couldn't." He chuckled, pulling her closer. "Now get some rest. I'll be right here." He said, pulling her to bed with him.


1224 words, idrk if this is leading to a pt2 or not 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
hope u likedd

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