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Tw: Talk of death of a parent (Mother), description of a bullet wound.

They just got back from a mission, Henry had been shot, and was bleeding out. He yelled as they came down the tubes, Ray picked him up, putting him down on the table, and leaving angrily without saying a word.

"Henry you are the stupidest person I have ever met." Lily yelled.
Henry held his side and looked at her.
"I had it under control."
"You got shot Henry!" She yelled.

Jasper came running down the hall with Charlotte following close behind. "What happened?" Jasper asked, looking between Henry and Lily.
"Henry got shot."
"Oh my god! Are you okay!?" Jasper screeched.
"I've been better." Henry grunted.
"You are actually such an idiot." She said, picking up a first aid kit.
"Hey, at least I tried." He protested.

Henry grumbled, trying to sound tough despite the pain. He watched as Lily prepared the first aid kit, a mix of annoyance and gratitude washing over him.

"What possessed you to make you think you could handle that? He had a GUN Henry. An actual GUN." She yelled, trying to stop the bleeding. Henry rubbed the back of his neck, grimacing in pain.
"I was trying to take him down without hurting innocent bystanders. But he got me instead." He sighed, trying not to win under the pain.
"Yeah well you're lucky Dad and I were there to get you. Y'know what would have happened if we didn't help you?"
Henry looked at Lily, his face pale from pain and blood loss.
"I don't want to think about it." He grimaced as she continued to clean and dress his wound.

"Can you at least get me some water?" He asked weakly.
"I'm a little bit busy trying to stop you from bleeding out. Maybe ask Jasper?" She sarcastically replied.
Henry looked at Jasper, "I'll be back in a minute." Jasper said, walking out to get Henry water.

Lily continued cleaning his wound. She pressed down on his wound, applying pressure to stop the bleeding while she took the temporary dressing off. He yelled out in pain, squirming.

"You're gonna have to stop moving Henry."
"I just got shot Lily!" He grunted through clenched teeth.
"And who's fault was that?" She said, picking up a pair of sharp scissors.
"Well, you were there when it happened," He paused. "What are those for?"
"I need to cut your shirt off, genius."

He tried to control his breathing as she carefully cut through his shirt, revealing the bloody wound beneath. Despite the pain and fear, he couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and gratitude towards Lily for being there despite the circumstances. Henry winced in pain as he felt the cleaning solution being applied to the wound.

"Ow! Can you stop?" He pleaded, trying not to cry out.
"Would you rather bleed out and die?" She yelled back.
"No, I wouldn't." He panted, trying to stay calm despite the burning sensation.

A painful 10 minutes later, she stopped the bleeding, but Henry was very pale and had lost quite a bit of blood. She sat down on a stool next to the table he led on.

"So.. uh.. thanks for not letting me die." He said, trying to catch his breath. He felt incredibly weak and lightheaded.
"You're welcome." She snapped, her hands still covered in his blood. She sighed, her head dropping. She was clearly very overwhelmed, maybe a little scared for Henry?
"Sorry... I didn't mean to make it worse," Henry managed to say, feeling like he was floating.

He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have someone like Lily there for him, even though they weren't exactly friends. She got up without saying a word, presumably going to wash her hands. As he waited for her to return, Henry tried to focus on breathing slowly and evenly. The pain was still there, but it wasn't as intense as before. He couldn't help but wonder what would've happened to him if he hadn't been saved. She came back a few minches later, her hands clean, holding a towel and a blanket. She gently layed the towel over Henrys wound, then covered him with the blanket.

"Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely audible. The pain was starting to subside a bit now that he wasn't moving as much. She sat back down on the stool, dropping her head into her hands. Letting out another sigh. "Lily, are you okay?" He asked, concerned for her well-being. He could tell she was going through a lot, both emotionally and physically.
"I'm fine." She said, her voice shaking, head still I'm her hands. Henry didn't believe her for a second. "You don't have to lie to me," he said softly, trying to reassure her. He didn't want her to feel like she had to put on a brave front for him.

"Do you know what happened five years ago today?" She asked.
"Um, no, why?"
"Five years ago today my mum died. Y'know what killed her?" "She was shot..." He whispered.
"Yeah." She said bluntly, clearly trying not to cry, she looked exhaused, her head still in her hands.

"I'm so sorry, Lily. If there's anything I can do to help-"
"I'm fine. Its just- right now, five years ago I was in a waiting room at the hospital, with my dad. Then, the nurse comes out and tells us she's dead. And now, exactly five years later, you do something stupid- and I nearly lose you too." She said, her voice breaking.

"I'm so sorry, Lily. I didn't know. I'd give anything to take back what happened tonight." He said softly, feeling terrible for making her go through that pain again.
"Me too." She said bluntly.
"I didn't mean to scare you.." He said softly, trying to comfort Lily.
"You didn't scare me." She snapped, clearly lying.
"Lily, we should talk."
"About what?" She softly asked.
"Do you want to talk about your mum? I know it's a lot and I understand if you don't want to. But I am here for you."

She turned to look at him, her eyes filled with tears, she slowly nodded. Henry carefully moved over to the sofa, painfully sitting down beside her.
"Tell me more." He said softly, reaching out to give her hand a gentle squeeze. He was here for her, to support and comfort her in whatever way he could. She told him stories about her mother, quietly crying ever now and then as he rubbed her back.


Shorter story this time, 1087 words this time. It took me so long to decide whether or not to go down the route of the dead mother, but I genuinely couldn't think of anything else. Ps, this isn't the idea I was talking about in the a/n at the end of the last one-shot. Hope u enjoyed !!

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