anger issues pt 2

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Tw: Talk of alcohol abuse


The next morning.

As the morning sun began to filter through the curtains, Henry carefully extracted himself from Lily's embrace. He knew they needed to address her drinking problem, but he also knew that forcing her wouldn't help.

"Morning.." She murmered.
"Morning. You feeling okay?" Henry groaned softly, rubbing his head with his hand.
"Yeah.. you?"
"A bit hungover, but I'll survive. Listen, Lily, we need to talk about last night."

"Yeah. Your anger issues."
"That's not all we need to talk about. We need to talk about your drinking."
"What's there to talk about? I
told you I'd stop.."
"I'm not talking about a couple of sips of vodka. I'm talking about binge drinking almost every night."
"I don't binge drink. It's not that bad."
"Lily, it's about your emotional state when you drink. You're using alcohol as a coping mechanism, and that's dangerous." He sighed, trying to keep his tone gentle yet firm.

"Sorry, mom." She joked.
"This is serious. We need to find a better way for you to deal with your emotions." He took a deep breath, trying to control his own anger. "Do you want help? Because I'm here for you."
"No, I dont want help. I'm fine."
"Lily, you're not fine. You're lying to yourself and to me. Please, let's talk about getting you professional help. I care about you too much to watch you self-destruct."
"No, I dont need it."

Henry sighed heavily, feeling frustrated but also concerned for Lily. He knew she was in denial, but he couldn't give up on her.
"Look, let's just stick to our deal of going to Swellview."

At the weekend, they packed their bags and went to Swellview.

He watched as she poured herself a drink, and he couldn't help but feel worried about her.
"Lily, I'm serious. You need to cut back on the drinking. It's not healthy for you."
"It's just some red wine."
"You promised not too."

She poured the wine back into the bottle, putting it away and sitting next to Henry in the mans-nest. She had figured out he was Kid Danger when he told her why he had to move to Dystopia, she realised how weird it was that someone who looks just like Kid Danger suddenly moves to Dystopia after Kid Danger 'dies'.

"So, you want to talk about anything? You know, to distract yourself from the wine?"
"Yeah, we can talk about when you're gonna come fix the hole in my wall."
"Yeah.. about that.."

She raised an eyebrow, wondering if he was going to
apologize for the hole he punched through her wall. Henry hesitated, rubbing at the back of his neck.

"You'll fix it, right?" She asked.
"I will. I'm sorry about that."
"It was an accident. I just got angry and.. y'know.."
"Gotcha." She whispered.

Henry sighed, feeling a bit embarrassed about the whole situation. He didn't want Lily to think he was just trying to avoid responsibility, but he also didn't want her getting mad at him again.
"I'll, uh.. figure something out."
"Thanks... So, uh- are are you- you- can we-" She stuttered.
"Take a breath."

She let out a sigh, trying to compose herself. "Are we sleeping together again tonight?"
"You really want to?"
"Yeah.. if you're okay with that."
"Yeah, of course, absolutely." He said.

She smiled softly. Henry smiled back at her, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. He couldn't wait to spend another night with her in his arms. He wondered if maybe they could find some way to make up for the hole in the wall, like cooking breakfast together or something. Later that night, they were getting ready for bed.

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