one bed trope

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They were on a school trip, everyone else got to pick their rooms but since they were last, Lily and Henry had to share a room, for a week, a room which only had one bed. In this story, Lily and Henry are sort of frenemies, but again, pick and choose

"Oo one bed, lucky you, get to sleep with me" Henry smirked
"You charm yourself too much." She replied
"I don't have to charm anyone, I'm just stating facts. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go unpack."
"I am not sleeping in the same bed as you." She crossed her arms,
"You don't have to, you can sleep on the floor or something. It's not like we haven't shared a room before."
"I'm not sleeping on the floor either. Who do you think i am?"
"You really are something, you know that?" He scoffed

She sat down on the bed, ignoring him and pulling out her phone.

"Well, someone has to do something, and I'm not going to sleep on the floor just because you're being difficult." He rolled his eyes and started unpacking his backpack.
"Well I'm not sleeping with you and I'm not sleeping on the floor so, pick your cards."
"You're making this difficult," Henry sighed as he continued to unpack. "Look, we're stuck here for a week. Either we can try to make the best of it or we can spend the entire trip being miserable. It's up to you."
"I'd rather be miserable than sleep with you." She retorted.
"Wow, you really are making this hard." He led down on the bed, "Join me or don't, your choice."
She groaned "Fine, have it your way, but only because you're practically begging me."
"I'm not begging," Henry replied, "I'm just trying to make this as easy as possible for both of us." He looked at her and smirked, "Besides, you know you want this."
"I hope you don't actually think that." She said, still looking at her phone.
"Well, you're not exactly pushing me away," he pointed out with a chuckle. "So, I guess we'll just have to share the bed then."

He moved over slightly, making room for her on the mattress. She sighed, laying down as she admitted to herself how tired she was. As soon as he felt her lie down, Henry couldn't help but move closer. He knew it was going to be a long week. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. A storm approached, Henry was aware how much Lily hated storms and knew this could be fun.

"So, Lily, what's the plan for when the storm hits?" He asked, trying to keep his voice light and teasing. "Curl up with me or find a corner to hide in?"
"You're funny. Can you at least leave me alone just for five minutes? You know how much I hate storms.."
"Oh come on Lily," he teased, his voice playful, "You're not really scared of a little storm, are you?"
"You know they frighten me. you're doing this on purpose"
"On purpose?" He feigned innocence. "I'm just trying to lighten the mood, sweetheart. Besides, if you really need me close during the storm, I won't argue."

His voice held a hint of amusement and satisfaction at her discomfort. "That's not going to happen."

Ironically, as she said that, the thunder boomed again, making her jump and unwillingly shift closer to Henry.

"Well now," Henry chuckled softly, feeling her shift closer to him. "It seems like you might need me after all." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her gently against his chest.

"Just relax, Lily."
"Get off me." She snapped,
The thunder boomed, she was clearly uncomfortable but was trying to hide it from Henry.
"Come on, Lily," Henry said with a soft laugh, his tone teasing. "You can't pretend like you don't enjoy this."

He moved closer to her, his arm still wrapped around her shoulder. "Besides, I promise, I'll protect you from the big, bad storm." He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her hair. "Just trust me, Lily." His heartbeat resonated beneath her ear, a comforting rhythm amidst the chaos outside.
"I hate you. So much." She said.
"Ouch, I won't said that didn't hurt a little. But hey, if that's how you feel, I guess I'll just have to work harder to prove you wrong."

He gave her a light squeeze, his arm still around her shoulder.
"Get off me." She said, flinching again as the storm rattled,
"Now come on, Lily," Henry said with a chuckle. "You can't deny that there's something nice about it." He pulled her closer, his head resting against hers on the pillow. "Besides, I promised Ray to always keep you safe from danger."

She flinched again, her head turning to the window, where the rain was pouring down from the sky.
"But what?" Henry asked, his voice gentle. "You don't think I can handle it?" He gave her a light nudge, playfully teasing her. "Or maybe you just don't want to admit that you need me?"
"Well- I-"

She buried her head in his chest as the storm boomed, quickly pulling away after realising what she'd done.
"Hey, it's okay," Henry soothed, running a hand through her hair comfortingly.
"I don't need you." She replied.

Starting to drift off to sleep and shifting closer to Henry. He smiled softly, feeling her relax against him. "Well, maybe not constantly," he agreed, "but I suppose it might be good to know that I'm here when you do."

The thunder boomed again, her eyes shot open. "Hey, hey, it's alright," he whispered soothingly, rubbing her back in slow circles. "Just try to relax and get some sleep. The storm will pass soon enough."
"How much longer? Can't you check the weather app?"
"Sure, but even if it's not over yet, I'll still be here."

He pulled out his phone, glancing at the weather app to estimate how much longer the storm would last.
"So?" She asked, waiting impatiently for an answer.
"It should be over in about another hour," He put his phone away and moved closer, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her against him. "Now try to get some sleep."

She picked up her phone, aware she wouldn't be able to sleep until the storm was over, Henry watched as she did this, understanding her restlessness. He reached over and gently took it from her hands, setting it on the nightstand.

"I promise you can check the time again once the storm has passed," he said with a soft smile.
"But I can't sleep with the storm, please?"
"Alright, alright. I understand that too. Here's what we can do; close your eyes and try to focus on my voice. Let me tell you a story until the storm calms down. If it doesn't work, you can always check the time then. Deal?"
"A story? How old do you think I am?" She argued.

Henry chuckled softly, his hand moving to gently rub her back again. "Well, I think you're old enough for a bedtime story. So, what kind of story would you like? A scary one or a funny one?" He joked
"Please stop talking." She rolled over facing away from Henry, and soon enough, he rolled her back over. "Alright, alright. I got it. Just try to relax and sleep. The storm will pass soon enough."

He leaned in and gently kissed the top of her head before turning off the lamp and pulling the covers further over them both.

"Henry I can'ttt" She groaned,
"It's fine, just try to take deep breaths and let the storm pass," He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer, turning the lamp back on. "and if you really can't sleep, maybe we could try that story after all?" he smirked
"No. Please no stories. I beg."
"Alright, alright. I promise, no stories. But I'll be right here if you need me."

He continued to rubbed her back in slow circles, hoping to soothe her nerves.
"Can I please have my phone back?" She whispered
"Fine" Henry said, reaching over to retrieve it from the nightstand.

He handed it to her, hoping she would find something on there to distract her until the storm passed. She started scrolling on TwitFlash, while the storm continued to boom. Henry layed there, peering over her shoulder at what she was reading, the storm rattled again, she shifted closer to Henry.

"You promise in the morning we can go back to hating each other?" She asked, he chuckled softly.
"Of course, sweetheart. We'll go right back to our normal routine once the sun comes up."
"And no one is going to find out about this?"
"I promise, our little secret storm sharing cuddle will remain between us. Now please try to get some rest, tomorrow is another day filled with potential arguments waiting to happen."

And it's finally over, I just thought this was cute but I found it weird to write considering I love storms, knowing my brain i'll probably make another chapter based off of another day of their school trip, but hey, at least I managed to keep this one exactly 1500 words
And to be 100% honest, one bed tropes and enemies to lovers are my actual favourite things ever, so I thought, why not merge them together (kinda) and then add Henry Hart into the mix just for funsies.
Toodles xoxo

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