my hero

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After the bust, Henry and Lily returned to the Mancave. He couldn't stop stealing glances at her, admiring her beauty and courage. His heart yearned for her; he had carried a torch for her since they first met.

Lily sat down on the couch, looking terrified and out of breath, clutching her stomach. Henry rushed over to her side, worried about her well-being.

"Lily, are you alright?" He asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. He gently touched her hand and was relieved when she didn't pull away.
"I-" She stuttered, moving her arms to reveal her bloodstained suit.

Henry's heart skipped a beat as he saw the blood on her suit. He quickly came to her aid, helping her remove the damaged clothing. As he revealed her skin underneath, his eyes widened, seeing how the blood was pouring out her stomach. He soon called an ambulance and she was taken to hospital. In the hospital, Henry stayed beside Lily's bed, not leaving her side for even a second. He held her hand and kept reassuring her everything was going to be alright. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Henry- I- it- it hurts." Henry's eyes met hers, filled with concern and love.
"I know, Lily. I'm here for you. Just hang in there." He gently strokes her hair and leans down, kissing her forehead. A soft, trembling whisper leaves his lips. "You're okay.."

A few days later, after Lily's major surgery, she woke up again. Henry was relieved to see Lily wake up again, he sat beside her bed and held her hand, smiling softly.

"Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling?" He asked, worried about how much pain she must be in.
"Better.." Henry's heart leaped with joy at her response. He leaned in and softly kissed her head, his lips trembling slightly with emotion.
"Thank god. I was so worried about you," He whispered, his voice filled with love and relief.

After months of physiotherapy, and Henry constantly being by her side, she had made a full recovery. Henry finally popped a question to her. One beautiful evening, as they sat on a rooftop watching the sun set, Henry felt it was the perfect moment. He took a deep breath, mustered up all his courage, and looked at Lily with the biggest smile he could manage.

"Look, you're gorgeous, and I really really like you, and I was wondering if you would want to get dinner sometime?"
"I would love that." Henry's heart soared hearing those words.
"Really?" He asked, hardly believing his luck. "How about tomorrow?" He suggested, unable to contain his excitement. His hands were shaking as he held hers, and he could feel a heat building up in his chest.
"Sounds perfect." Henry practically jumped with joy.

"Tomorrow it is then! Do you have any favorite places to eat?" He asked eagerly, already planning the perfect date for them. He couldn't believe this was finally happening- he was taking Lily on a date! "Uhhh.. nacho ball?" Henry laughed heartily at her choice. "Nacho Ball it is then! I love it there." They talked about the details of their date, excitedly planning every little thing.

The atmosphere at Nacho Ball was lively and full of energy. Henry held Lily's hand as they navigated through the crowded restaurant, finding a cozy booth in the corner. He ordered their usual, a giant platter of nachos with all the toppings, and two cokes. A few years into their relationship, after they had both turned 19. Henry popped an even bigger question. One sunny afternoon, as they walked on the beach together, Henry found the perfect spot. He knelt down on the soft sand, took a small box from his pocket, and opened it. Inside was a beautiful engagement ring, sparkling in the sunlight.

"Lily, I have loved you for years. As long as I can remember. I will never stop loving you. Ever. Please, would you do me the honor of being my wife?"
"Yes! Yes of course!" She replied. Henry smiled the widest he ever had, his eyes welling up with tears of joy. He slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her into a tight embrace, kissing her passionately.
"You have made me the happiest man alive."
"I love you."
"I love you more." He replied, his lips crashing against hers in a fiery kiss.

A year later, at their wedding, she walked down the aisle. Her white satin dress flowing gorgeously behind her. With Lily by his side, Henry felt invincible. His heart swelled with love and pride as they exchanged vows, promising to love each other forever. The wedding was magical; the sun set behind them, casting a warm golden glow over the ceremony. Henry's breath caught as he saw Lily walking toward him, looking more beautiful than he could ever imagine. His heart raced and his eyes glistened with tears of joy. She was everything he could have ever hoped for and more. She gracefully wiped the tears out her eyes. Henry couldn't help but be drawn in by the sight of her glistening eyes, his own welling up with tears of happiness. He smiled broadly and walked towards her, taking her soft hand in his as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

She started her vows. "My dearest Henry, as I stand here before you today, I can't help but remember the first day our paths crossed. It was an ordinary day, our high school paths converging. A few years later, an accident happened, forever etching that day in our hearts. It painted you as my hero, unveiling the depth of your kindness when you saved me that morning. Henry, it's been five years since and there's not a single moment that passes when I'm not captivated by your heart. Your compassion shines brighter than the northern star."

Henry felt tears streaming down his cheeks as he listened to her heartfelt words. Her vow was as magical as the day they met, filled with emotion and love that seemed to resonate deep within his soul.

Henry said his vows. "Lily, from the first moment I spotted you at the end of high school corridor, with your books clutched closely, our little smiles we shared before English class, I've felt a connection to you that has only grown deeper with time. I have loved you ever since that second I laid my eyes on you, and I truly believe I will continue to love you until my last. You walked into my life and filled it with laughter, love, and a sense of completeness. With your sublime eyes, twinkling with a universe of joy, mischief, and boundless dreams, it's as if each glance from you becomes a baptism of love, granting me a new life over and over. I will always cherish those eyes, and the reflections of our shared life."

With their vows now exchanged, and the ceremony complete, Henry and Lily shared a passionate, lingering kiss. As they parted ways from the kiss, he gazed into Lily's eyes, his heart swelling with emotions he'd been carrying around for years.

"I love you." She said. Henry's face lit up with the sweetest of smiles, tears streaming down his cheeks once more. "I love you too, Lily." He replied, pulling her closer for another tender embrace. In this moment, everything felt perfect.

Later that night, they got into bed and cuddled. With the glow of the moon casting a soft light through the bedroom window, Henry lay entranced by Lily's beauty. The warmth from her body and their combined embrace lulled them into a blissful state, his thoughts drifting to the possibilities that lay ahead.

"Henry?" She spoke.
Henry turned his head towards her, his eyes filled with adoration.
"Yeah, baby?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, anything." He replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He felt her hand gently tracing patterns on his chest, sending waves of desire coursing through him.

"Why do you pretend the accident didnt kill me? Why do you pretend I didnt die?" Henry's heart skipped a beat at her sudden question, feeling his blood run cold. His eyes searched hers, trying to read the depth of emotion behind her words. He took a deep breath before responding, his voice shaking slightly. "I.. I don't pretend it at all."

Just then, Henry woke up, the cold, harsh reality of his best friends death smacking him in the face. He slowly sat up, his cheeks wet with tears. He remembered everything from his dream, what could have been. He started to silently cry, the crying soon turning into loud sobs. He burries his face in his pillow, wishing he was still asleep. Henry laid back down, wrapping his arms around himself, trying to find comfort from the loss that still weighed heavily on his heart. He couldn't shake the dream, the reminder of what they could have shared if it weren't for Lily's untimely death.

apology with tears?? soz guys
I'm not even gonna lie I love this one tbh 🤪🤪

sincerest apologies,
Lily 🩷

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