sickness p2

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"Lily, I'm really worried about you. You need to see a doctor." Henry said, she groaned
"I'm sure I'll be fine"
"Alright, but if you don't start feeling better soon I'm going to take you to the hospital myself. And plus, your dad said he'd cover for me at work if I had to stay here with you."
"I don't need to go to hospital-"
"But you're not getting any better. Look at yourself, you're pale. You need a professional to check you out." Henry said as he sat down on the bed with her. "I'm worried about you."
"Please don't make me go to hospital- I'll get better- I swear"
"Alright, alright. I trust you to try. Just promise me you'll take it easy and rest. And if you don't start feeling better in a couple of days, we'll go together." He gave her a reassuring smile. "Deal?"
"Good. Now, can you try to eat some soup or crackers?"

She propped herself up, sighing and wincing as her head pounded, she knew she wasn't getting any better, but she didn't want to go hospital either.
Henry watched as she tried to eat some soup, he could tell she wasn't feeling well at all. He knew he had to be there for her. He sat with her for the rest of the day, making sure she was comfortable and didn't need anything. She fell asleep, around 1am, after lots of tossing, turning and running to the bathroom with nausea, she woke up at 8:40 the next morning, still not feeling any better. Henry woke up around 9 am, seeing her shivering slightly under the blanket in her sleep. He gently rubbed her arm, trying to warm her up.

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling this morning?" He asked softly, she leaned over and threw up into the bucket by the bed, before wiping her mouth and sitting back up, sighing and looking up at Henry
"Alright, let's get you cleaned up and then maybe we should consider going to the hospital" Henry said gently, helping her clean up after she threw up. He knew it wasn't ideal, but he also knew that her health was more important than avoiding a visit to the hospital.
"No. I'm not going to hospital."
Henry sighed as she refused again. He understood her not wanting to go but felt like it was necessary at this point. "Look, you're not getting any better on your own. The doctors will help." He pleaded with her, trying to convince her once more.

"Henry please. Please don't make me go to hospital."
"I'm not trying to make you go against your will, but I think it's important that we figure out what's wrong and how to make you feel better. Would you be okay with going if I came with you?" She shook her head
Henry gently sighed, understanding her reluctance to go to the hospital. "Well, I suppose we can try something else, but I don't want to risk making things worse for you."
At seemingly the perfect moment, Ray beeped Henry on his watch, making Lily jump.
"Hold on a moment," Henry said, looking at his beeping watch. He answered the call, "Ray, what's up?" Ray replied to Henry, but Lily couldn't quite make out what he was saying, he was sort of mumbling and she was still very tired.
"Oh, really? Alright, thanks for the heads-up."

He hung up quickly and turned back to Lily. "I need you to trust me on this." He said
"What's going on?" She asked
"There's been a change of plans. Your dad just said about an old friend who's a doctor- she specializes in home visits. He thinks she might be able to help without us having to go to the hospital. Would you consider giving it a shot?"
"Um- okay.. I guess.."
Henry let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Alright, that's what we're going to do then. Let me call her real quick and set it up." He pulled out his phone, smiling at Lily reassuringly. She sighed, laying down again and curling up, still sick with nausea and shivering despite her fever. He came back a minute later.
"Alright, I just called the doctor. She'll be here in about 30 minutes." He said softly, trying to keep her mind off the wait. "In the meantime, why don't you try to go back to sleep? I'll be right here if you need anything."

Thirty minutes later, the nurse got to Henrys house
She whimpered, rolling over and shivering. Henry stood aside to let the nurse in. He walked over to her side and gently rubbed her arm. "Lily, the doctor's here."
Henry knelt down next to her, he could see how sick and pale she looked.
"I'll be right here with you the whole time, don't worry. Just let the doctor know how you're feeling and what's been going on"
She looked up at the nurse, struggling to keep her eyes open.
"Can you try to stay awake for the doctor? She's here to help you feel better," He gently stroked her forehead, trying to keep her focused.
She looked up at him, her eyes filled with pain and frustration, she wanted this all to be over, she was fed up of being so ill.
"I know it's hard, but just do your best, okay? The doctor is here now and she'll make sure you get better." He brushed a lock of hair behind her ear and squeezed her hand reassuringly.
She nodded, looking at the doctor, she shortly finished examining Lily and stood next to her, looking at Henry.

"Well, based on my assessment, it looks like Lily is suffering from a severe case of the flu, she's also showing signs of dehydration and possible nutrient deficiencies. We need to get her fluids and nutrients quickly, as well as rest and plenty of fluids by mouth." The nurse said.
"I don't need fluids- I'll drink something I swear- no- no needles, no fluids, no hospital-" She murmered

He sighed, understanding her fear but knowing it wasn't healthy to ignore medical advice. "Lily, I know you're scared, but remember, the doctor and nurses are here to help. They want what's best for you"
The nurse left, after deciding she would come back in a couple days, Lily turned Henry, he tried to give her a reassuring smile. "The flu isn't anything to mess around with, and neither is dehydration. If a medical professional says you need fluids, I think you should take her advice."
"Okay.. I- I'll think about it.."

She fell asleep half an hour after the nurse left, as she slept, Henry remained by her side, his eyes occasionally drifting towards the door where the nurse had left. He knew she was going through a rough time but he also trusted the medical professionals who were there to help her. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and slightly leaning on Henry, he sensed her movement and realised she was waking up, gently rubbing her back in reassurance.

"How you feeling?" He asked softly, his voice filled with concern but also hope for her recovery.
"Hungry.." Henrys eyes suddenly lit up as he heard her say this, it was the first time in over a week she had actually wanted to eat, or at least admitted she was hungry.
"I'm glad. What do you feel like eating?"
"Anything that isn't chicken soup or crackers."
Chuckling softly, Henry said; "Alright, I'll see what we can find for you. How about some light pasta?"
"Sounds gooddd" She mumbled, still managing to mimic him even in the condition she was in. Henry brought her a bowl of spaghetti and sat down next to her.
"That looks so good." She smiled at him softly, clearly starting to become her normal self again, but the moment faded as she shivered again, clutching her stomach in pain

"Hey, it's okay," Henry reassured her, placing a hand on her back to comfort her. "Just take it slow and let me know if you need anything, okay?"
"I'm freezing."
He got up and got a blanket from his closet, he draped over her shoulders and sat back down.
"Thanks" She mumbled, still trying to keep the pasta down.
"It's okay, take your time. The nurse said you should start with small portions and slowly work your way up, no rush." He said, slowly rubbing her arm.

She nodded again and looked into his eyes, she could see he was starting to become more hopeful about her getting better. As Henry watched her make progress with her meal, he couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and joy. He knew it would be a long road to recovery, but seeing her eat and interact somewhat normally gave him hope that she would eventually she would be okay. After about an hour she finished the small plate of food. He tipped her chin up.

"Well done" he whispered
She smiled, looking into his eyes
"Thanks.." She said, not breaking eye contact
Henry couldn't help but return her smile. He was glad that she was showing signs of improvement, even if it was just a small one.


1549 words this time, I already have part three written, I just need to read it through and correct mistakes, it should be out soon !?!?!?!
Btw I genuinely do not know what to do after I release part three to this 😬😬

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