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Henry had a tough mission with Ray and came back to the man cave covered in scars, bruises and quite a bit of blood.. you were on Henry's lap taking care of his wounds.

"Ow.. Lily.. that hurts.. " he groaned
"Sorry, its the alcohol I'm using to clean it, im afraid its gonna sting"
He closed his eyes, feeling the pain and trying to remain calm but it was difficult,
"I'm sorry, there's no other way to clean it, can you breathe through it?"
He closed his eyes tight and breathed in and out
"Ow!," He opened his eyes, "Is it done yet? I can't take this pain anymore, please hurry up.."
"Henry I'm trying to clean an open wound, your open wound. I can't hurry, I'm sorry"
"I trust you... but this hurts like hell. You're gonna stop soon right?"
"You want a break?"

He nodded, still trying not to scream from the pain. She got off his lap and went to clean the cloth, leaving him in a peace for a few minutes before coming back with a fresh cloth. He let out a sigh of relief as he felt the cool air on his skin, rubbing the sore spot gently.

"Dont touch it," she climbed back onto his lap "you ready?"
He nodded, still feeling a little weak
"Yeah, I'm ready."
She started cleaning his wound again, trying not to hurt him too much.
"God that hurts.." He grunted out in pain, trying to focus on not passing out.
"Tell me if you want me to stop" She whispered, he shook his head
"No, keep going. Just...try to be gentle?" He tries to grin reassuringly but winces in pain.
"Alright I'm mostly done cleaning it. now for the worst part. I need to douse it in alcohol before I wrap it up.."
He takes a deep breath, bracing himself.
"You ready?"

He nods slowly, his heart racing in anticipation of the pain.
"Yeah... go ahead." She slowly poured alcohol directly onto the wound,
"Holy crap, that burns!!" he yelled out in pain as the alcohol hits his wound
"Stay still," She was still straddling him, cupping his cheek with one hand in hopes of calming him down.
"I have to leave it for a few minutes, this is the worst part I promise"

He nods, trying to calm down, he couldn't help but moan out in pain.
"Yeah- sorry.. this kills." He answered
"Well then I really apologise for this.." She poured more alcohol onto the wound
"Aah jesus Lily!!" he cried out, trying to move away from the stinging sensation but unable to due to his position.
"Hey hey hey, calm down, I'm sorry but this is what I have to do unless you want it to get infected"
"Agh, God! Stop it, stop!!" He yelled out, unable to contain his pain any longer.

She kissed him softly, gently massaging the area around the wound,
"C'mon you're okay.." She whispered, rubbing his chest
"No, I'm not.. this really hurts. Please just let me rest, okay? I can't take any more." He panted, still trying to catch his breath from the pain.
"Alright alright, have a break. but bare in mind in a few minutes I'm going to have to put more on. I'm sorry Henry."

"It's.. it's okay. Just give me a minute to catch my breath." He took a deep breath, trying to play down the pain infront of Lily. She got off his lap and went to get another towel.
"Thanks..." He whispers, still trying to catch his breath.
"You ready again?" She asked
"I guess so.." He muttered, bracing himself for the inevitable pain. She poured more alcohol onto a cloth and pressed it against Henrys arm.
"Aaah! Jesus, Lily! That's enough!!" He cried out, wincing in pain as the alcohol burned his wound again.

"Hey, one more time okay? Then I can wrap it up."
"Fine.. but make it quick." He replied, she pressed the alcohol- soaked cloth back onto his wound.
"Ahh! Enough, Lily!! Stop it, stop!!!" He cried out in pain, unable to handle any more of the burning sensation.
"Okay okay I'm done," She wrapped his arm up "I'm so sorry Henry, but it needed to be cleaned." She apologised

He gasped for air and tried to control his breathing
"Yeah, I know.. it's just.. painful. Thanks for doing it though"
She smiled softly and rubbed his shoulder, waiting for him to catch his breath
"Don't move your arm. It'll really hurt." She mentioned
"I'll try not to." he panted, slowly starting to relax.
"You sure you're okay? That was alot, I apologise."
"Yeah.. I'll be fine.. just give me a minute.." He puffed,

"Is that the only bad cut you have? Didn't Ray mention you had one on your side?" She asked
"No, no.. that's the worst one. There's a smaller one on my side but it doesn't hurt as much."
"Can I see? I might still have to clean it.."
"Yeah.. okay" It's kind of hard to reach.. you might have to undress me a bit."
"Where is it on your side?"
"Higher up, more on my ribcage, its kind of hard to reach.. you might have to.. pull my shirt up a bit.."

She undid his vest and took it off, gently pulling up the side of his shirt, he breathed a little easier, leaning back as he felt his shirt being pulled up, feeling a little more vulnerable and self- conscious than before.

"Ouch, I'm afraid I'm going to have to clean that one too, sorry Henry." She looked up at him,
"It's okay.. just.. do what you have to do." He took a deep breath and tried his best to bear the pain, she doused a fresh cloth in alcohol and presses it onto the wound.
"AGH!" He yelled out in pain, arching his back and grabbing his side.
"Come on Henry you're okay.." She whispered, rubbing his leg in an attempt to comfort him
trying to calm himself, he looks at her, still panting a bit.

"Yeah, okay.. you're right."
She finishes cleaning that wound and wrapped it up too
"Any other wounds? On your stomach? Leg? Chest?
Takes a deep breath, still a bit shaken up,
"No, just some bruises and the ones from earlier. I'm good now." He smiled softly, a poor attempt at lying.
"Don't lie to me Henry."
He sighed, reluctantly lifting his shirt further
"Alright, fine. There's another cut on my stomach, but it's not deep and doesn't hurt much anymore."
"Henry. That looks worse than the one on your thigh, I think you know what's coming," He
grimaced "Great... that's great. Well, at least I know you care huh?"
"I'm sorry Henry, I hate this as much as you do but I'm sure you would rather this than it get infected?"
He sighed, "Yeah, I suppose, alright, well.. I know this sucks but.. just do whatever."

She helped Henry take his shirt off, covering parts of him over with a blanket so he felt less exposed,
"Jesus henry.. how'd you even do this?" She poured some alcohol on another cloth "Ready?"
"Yeah.. I'm ready, go ahead.."
She put the cloth on the wound, holding Henrys leg to stabilise him, he flinched slightly but stayed still.
"Okay.. how's it looking?"
"Sore. I don't know how well I can wrap this up considering the placement. Are you sure the cut doesn't hurt? It looks deep.."
"I suppose it does hurt a bit, but not as bad as it did when it first happened. And yeah, I understand about the placement. Just do what you can."
"Henry this really does look painful, are you sure you aren't playing this down?"
"I promise, it's not that bad. Just please take care of it so we can get back to our regular stuff, okay?"
"Okay.. but you can't fight for a while okay? You need to rest."
"Alright, I'll take it easy for a bit."


This one was a bit shorter (1334 words this time) but I physically could not think of anything else that could happen with this tbh lmaoo

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