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Lily is standing in one of the many rooms in Biancas house after quietly managing to call Henry and ask for help. A man standing opposite her as Henry bursts in. The man turns to Lily, taking a few steps closer and says this. "Who the hell is that?"
"Stay away from me." She says.
"You dont get to tell me what to do."
"Stay away from her." Henry whispers.
"You dont get to tell me what to do either."
"Back the fuck up."
"And what if I dont?"
"I call the police on you for perving on a defenceless girl."
The man walks out slumping his back and sulking. Lily and Henry watch him leave and lock eyes after hes gone.
"You came?" She asks.
"You called." He replies.
Theres a moment of silence and Lily and Henry have progressively gotten closer to each other.
"I want go home. I want go anywhere but here."
"I'll walk you home."
Lily and Henry walk out the room, his arm around her shoulder. They get downstairs and are met by Jasper and Charlotte. Henry gives them a light smile and nods to Lily who is now resting her head on him. They walk out the house and are now standing just in front of the gate. Music is still playing in the background. Lily stops walking and turns to face Henry.
"Thank you."
"Dont worry about it."
"No I'm serious. I genuinely thought he was gonna axe murder me or something mad." Theres another moment of silence, longer this time while Lily and Henry look into each others eyes. Lily raises herself onto her tiptoes and starts kissing Henry, putting her hand on his cheek and the other around his neck. He has a very surprised look on his face and is visibly contemplating what to do with his hands, she takes his hands in hers and places them on her waist. She returns her hands to their previous positions and they continue to kiss for a few seconds. They both pull away and look at each other in awe.
"Wanna come to my house instead?"

355 words, sorry this one's so short. I've been really busy recently but I've got a few small chapters written to tide you all over until I get past my writers block lmaoo
pretty pretty please do not hesitate to send requests !!

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