runaway pt3

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They fell asleep. As the sun began to rise, Henry gently stirred in his sleep. He turned towards her and pulled her closer, resting his head on her shoulder as he snuggled up against her. "Morning.. Henry slowly stirred from his sleep, his eyes opening to see her lying next to him. He smiled gently as he rolled over onto his back and
stretched, yawning softly. "Morning." He said quietly before reaching out to pull her close.

"How'd you sleep?" Henry stretched and let out a soft groan, his eyes half- lidded as he looked down at her. "Not bad. You?" He murmured before pulling her closer and pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.
"Not too shabby." Henry smiled softly as she commented on their sleep, gently running his fingers through her hair.
"Glad to hear it." He said before leaning down and pressing a deep kiss onto her lips. She kissed back, her hands still tangling in his hair. Feeling her hands in his hair, he wrapped an arm around
her waist.

"Are you gonna make me go back now?" Henry pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting hers as he let out a soft chuckle.
"Well, I could let you stay a little longer." He teased with  a smirk before kissing her again, this time more passionately than before. As the kiss deepened, Henry slipped his hand up under her shirt to gently graze her back.
"You're so beautiful when you're like this.." He whispered against her lips before trailing a line of hot, gentle kisses down her neck.

An hour later, they arrived at the hospital. Henry let her out of the car and gently kissed her lips before getting back in his vehicle. "Do I have too?"
"I know you don't want to." He whispered against her lips before stepping back and opening the door for her. "But remember what we talked about.

As she stepped out of the car, Henry reached up and gently brushed her hair away from her face before leaning in to press a soft kiss against her lips. "Take care of yourself." He murmured before turning around and getting back into his vehicle.

A couple months later, he was sent on another mission to help calm someone down. With a mission in mind, Henry made his way towards the location. He couldn't help but wonder what was going on with her and if she was doing okay. He needed to know that she was safe. When he got there, he saw her stood with a gun held up to police. Seeing her in this situation, Henry's heart sank. He could see the fear and anger in her eyes as she held up a gun to the police. This wasn't like her at all. As he caught her attention, she turned around, pointing the gun at him.

"I- you-" Henry froze as she pointed the gun at him, his heart racing with adrenaline. He had to stay calm. He couldn't let her hurt anyone.
"Hey you."
"Go away!" With a deep breath, Henry tried to keep his voice calm,

"Look, I'm here to help. Put the gun down." He said gently. "You! Out of all people you think I would want you to help!" Henry took a step back, his hand up in surrender. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"I know we had some problems before, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you." He said softly. "You! You promised! Then you made me go back to that place and your only words were 'Take care of yourself.'!?" Henry's heart broke at her words.

"I didn't want to bring you back there. I knew it would be hard for you but- but I had to do my job." He said quietly, taking a step closer to her.
"Get away from me!" Henry held his hands up in surrender.
"Okay, okay." He stepped back slowly, not wanting to aggravate her any further. His heart ached for her, knowing she was going through something difficult and all he wanted to do was help her.

Seeing the pain in her eyes, Henry couldn't help but reach out to her. "Please put the gun down. You don't want to hurt anyone." He pleaded softly, his heart aching for her.
"I- I know!" Henry sighed in relief as she lowered the gun, his eyes softening with concern.
"Good. Now let's figure out what we're gonna do here." He said gently, extending a hand towards her in a gesture of peace. Henry watched her carefully, his heart aching for her. He could see the pain and fear in her eyes but he couldn't help but feel some hope as well.
"Hey.." He said softly, reaching out to gently touch her arm.
Henry froze as she raised the gun again, his heart racing with fear. He needed to do something before someone got hurt. "Hey, listen to me." He said gently, trying to keep his voice steady. Henry looked into her eyes, seeing the pain and fear reflected back at him. He knew he had to do something before it was too late.
"Please..." He pleaded softly, reaching out to gently touch her arm. Henry sighed, realizing that he had to take action. He couldn't let her hurt anyone. not when he knew she was capable of so much more.

"Alright." He said quietly, pulling out his own gun and pointing it at her.
"Drop the gun now."
"I-" Henry's heart pounded in his chest as he watched her eyes widen with surprise. He knew what he was doing was risky, but he had to do it for both their sakes.
"Please." He pleaded softly, taking a step closer to her. Henry's heart was racing as he held his gun steady, ready to fire if she made any sudden moves. He could see the fear in her eyes and it broke his heart.
"I don't want to hurt you." He said softly, taking another step closer.

1005 words 🤪🤪
feeling mean so I ended on a cliffhanger 💓🎀

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