new years eve

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They bumped into eachother, her drink spilt on him. "Oh crap! I'm so sorry."
Henry looked at the spilled drink on him, then back at her. "It's alright, accidents happen." He said, trying to maintain his cool.
"Its red wine, that's gonna stain."
"Eh, it's just a shirt. Don't worry about it." He shrugged.
"Are you sure?"

"I'm Lily by the way." She said, holding out her hand. Henry shook her hand. "Henry. It's nice to meet you." He said, his heart racing just a little bit. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was.
"How do you know the host?" She asked.
"Work friend, you?"
"We went to school together, stayed friends."
"Oh, cool. Well, enjoy the rest of your night, Lily." He smiled, trying to act casual despite the butterflies in his stomach.
"Thanks, you too. Again, sorry about your shirt."
"It's fine. Really." He assured her with a small chuckle before walking off to find Jasper or Charlotte. He couldn't help but feel drawn to Lily, even on this crazy night where he was supposed to be having fun.

An hour later, they ended up sitting on the sofa, talking more.
Lily couldn't help but notice how Henry kept looking at her, making her feel a bit self-conscious but also flattered. She was enjoying their conversation, finding him to be quite interesting and thoughtful.
"So.. what do you do for work?"
When Henry looked at her, he felt a deep connection that he couldn't explain. He was drawn to her presence and her voice was like music to his ears. "I'm an accountant at a really boring office job."
"Right, I knew that. You work with the host.."
"Yeah, it's not as glamorous as it sounds." He chuckled softly, taking a sip of his drink. "But it pays the bills."

"That girl you're with.. Charlotte?"
"Are you guys dating?"
"No, we're not dating. We've been friends for years and she's just someone I've known a long time." His heart raced slightly, wondering how she would react to his answer.
"Oh.. okay, good to know."

"Are you seeing someone?"
"I was.. didn't end great.."
"I get it, when I was 14, two girls I dated left me to be on a TV show together."
She chuckled. "Ouch."
"Yeah, ouch is right." He laughed, feeling a bit more comfortable sharing that part of his life with her. "But hey, life goes on, right?"

Henry looked at her, feeling a strange pull towards her. He couldn't explain it, but he found himself wanting to know more about her. He took another sip of his drink, trying to calm his racing heart.
"Oh look, it's nearly midnight!"
"Yeah, time flies when you're having fun.." He smiled, hoping that she felt the same way. He couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was.

"Do you have anyone to kiss at midnight?"
"Well, would you-"

"Happy new year." She said, kissing him as the clock struck midnight. Henry blushed, surprised by her gesture. "Happy new year, Lily." He whispered, his heart racing even more.

"Don't look so suprised, you always have to kiss someone at midnight."
"Oh, well... um, I- I guess that's true." Henry stammered, feeling his face heat up even more.

"Look, I'll be the first to give you a reality check. Stop blushing, it makes you look desperate." She whispered. Henry laughed softly, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind." He took another sip of his drink, trying to cool down his nerves.

"I'll see you around?"
"Of course."

heyy this one's shorter than usual, 600 words, I'm so busy with school nd family stuff so I haven't been able to write a proper chapter soz

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