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Hope's POV:

The ferocity of Jack's fight against Rick sent my stress levels skyrocketing, especially as I witnessed his injuries and saw his blood splatter on the ground. The sheer panic and worry coursing through my system manifested in my nails digging into the palm of my hand, drawing blood. When Rick broke Jack's leg, my heart lurched, and an overwhelming need to do something shook my entire body. However, Trisha's calming presence beside me urged me to be still, reminding me not to let my emotions overpower me.

As Jack seized the opening he needed, he tackled Rick to the ground, clamping his jaws around Rick's exposed neck. The grip was firm, and the intention was clear: surrender or face the consequence of death. Rick, too prideful to yield, struggled against Jack's hold, but it proved futile. Jack, recognising that surrender was beyond Rick's capacity, ended his life with a snap of his powerful jaw.

The lifeless body of the wolf who had tormented my family for years fell to the hard earth with a thud, the sound echoing through the still forest as the dawn sun rose to greet us—a new day had begun, with it, a promise of a safer life for Elena. Time seemed to freeze, and the world moved in slow motion. Jack, wobbling on his injured leg, stared at the lifeless body, shifting back from wolf to human. Rick's unstaring eyes gazed into the distance, devoid of movement. Jack let out a long, echoing howl into the rising sun, signalling his victory and the cessation of the fight. The answering howls from both Jack's and Rick's fighters resonated through the dawn, signalling the end of the conflict. Jack had become the Head Alpha, a reality we would deal with in the coming weeks, but not in this moment of quiet victory.

"He did it," I whispered so softly that it barely felt like it left my lips.

"Go heal him," Trisha encouraged, and before her words had wholly entered my brain, I was running over to my shifted mate. I held Jack close to me, his body trembling from the pain of his injuries and the newfound power coursing through him as the Head Alpha. He clung to me like a lifeline, his breaths slowly steadying as he inhaled my scent. Placing my hands on his chest, I felt the rapid thump of his heartbeat beneath my touch. Initiating healing spells, I channelled strength from myself and the pack down our bond, amplifying it with my magic to expedite recovery. I watched intently as deep gouges in Jack's skin miraculously knitted themselves back together. The unsettling sound of a bone snapping back into place echoed as his leg healed. Despite the audible discomfort, Jack grunted, showing remarkable resilience as he continued to hold onto me. Through our bond, I sensed the pain he experienced, but outwardly, he remained steadfast, drawing strength from our connection.

"You did it; it's over," I whispered to Jack as we created this bubble where our entire focus was on each other. We would soon have to deal with the fallout of the fight, but for now, our focus was on each other.

"It's over," he repeated. "Elena is safe,"

"Yes," I agreed.

Time became irrelevant as Jack and I held each other, a comforting embrace after the intense battle. I continued to channel healing energy down the mate bond, striving to restore Jack to as close to full strength as possible. The passage of time blurred, and I paid no heed to the minutes, hours, or weeks that may have passed. At that moment, all that mattered was our connection and the gradual restoration of Jack's well-being.

The tremors that once wracked Jack's body began to subside, replaced by a growing calmness. He breathed more efficiently, the pain lifting as the mate bond conveyed healing energy. I sensed that his major injuries had healed, and the weight of their pain had been lifted. Though Jack still bore minor cuts and scrapes, they were superficial, not posing a threat of significant blood loss. Recognising the need to preserve my strength, I eased off on pushing magic and energy down the bond, preventing the risk of burning out.

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