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Rushing to bring Elena back home, my anxiety only began to ease once we crossed the threshold. Visibly thrilled to be back and reunited with Jack, Elena animatedly recounted her adventures with her grandparents. Her joyful chatter filled the air as Jack, sporting a proud grin, absorbed every detail with unwavering attention.

I orchestrated a security detail to ensure her safety as Elena skipped off to play in her room. A guard stationed outside her bedroom, two patrolling the house, and her nanny, specially trained in combat and protection, accompanied her within, engaged in playful activities.

Exhaling relief and exhaustion, I allowed my tightly wound nerves to unravel. My shoulders, burdened by worry, bore the physical toll of the week's strain. Sinking into the inviting plushness of the armchair in the front room, I audibly sighed. A sharp gasp escaped me, followed by a low moan, as Jack, attuned to my weariness, began expertly kneading the tension from my tight shoulders. The tactile reassurance from his touch provided a welcome reprieve, a soothing balm for the accumulated stress of the past week.

"It's okay, baby, she's home. She's safe," Jack whispered soothingly in my ear, and my body relaxed slightly from his words and hands.

"I'll relax when I know Rick has no hope of getting his hands on her."

"The lawyers have been working overtime on it, I promise."

"I hate having this hanging over our heads,"

"The important thing to do here is live our lives as normal until Rick takes the next step," Jack said, working on my shoulder's tough knot.

It was a week later that Rick made his move. A knock at the door distracted me from the film I watched while Elena was at school. I opened the door to discover a middle-aged man in a suit holding a brown envelope.

"Hope Mayson?"


"As the current legal guardian of Elena Mayson, you're being served," The man said as he thrust the A4-sized envelope out towards me.

"Parent, I'm her parent, not a guardian," I growled in annoyance at his choice of words as I took the envelope out of his hands. Still, he didn't answer me, just nodded in understanding, turned, and left, heading back to his silver sedan parked on the drive.

I slammed the door shut as I stormed back into the house and Jack's office. I knocked and let myself in when he beckoned me. He smiled when he saw it was me, but his face morphed into concern when he saw my expression and the letter I held.

"What is it?" He asked as he stared at the letter.

"I haven't opened it yet," I admitted. I ripped open the envelope and pulled out the important-looking letter inside.

Dear Ms Mayson,

As the legal guardian for Elena Trisha Mayson, we are writing to inform you of the request presented to the Wolf High Court by Head Alpha Rick Franks that a DNA test be submitted regarding the paternity of the above child. Alpha Rick believes the above child is his daughter through a brief relationship with his true mate, Trisha Grace.

This court must ascertain the child's paternity only at this stage, and so we request you bring the child to the Wolf High Court on:

Tuesday 14th October 2028 at 1 pm


A DNA test.

Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. You will find directions to the Wolf High Court attached. We look forward to seeing you on the above date and time.

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