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"Why are we moving?" Elena inquired as Jack assisted us in loading the final boxes into the U-Haul attached to his car. After we discussed the risk of Alpha Rick discovering my true identity, I promptly resigned from my job. While my colleagues were disappointed, they were content that I had found love and was moving in with him. I also informed Elena's school about her impending transfer, providing them with the necessary documentation for her educational records to be seamlessly transferred to the new school.

"Because we are going to live with Daddy,"

"Can't daddy live here?"

"No, sweetie, he can't,"

"But why?" She whined and stamped her tiny feet. She cuddled her favourite stuffed teddy and pouted at me. I got down to her level and looked her in the eyes.

"You know how mummy and daddy are part-time wolves?" I asked her, and she nodded at me. "Well, just like full-time wolves, we live in packs – like a big family – and just like with full-time wolves, we have leaders, and your daddy is a pack leader," I explained.

"So, Daddy is the leader of a big family?"

"Yes, and mummy needs to become the co-leader,"

"So he can't live here?"

"No, he needs to run the pack back home in Tulsa, and so because we love daddy, we are going to move with him, and you're going to have a nice big room, loads of friends who are just like you and you'll meet daddy's mummy soon – your granny,"

"I have a granny?"

"Yes, sweetie," I stroked her cheek and smiled at her. "Now, do you want to go with mummy or daddy?"

"Mummy," She said in a small voice.

"Okay, baby, we'll be leaving soon,"

Jack assisted me in placing Elena in my car while I secured the house, locked the doors, and deposited the keys in an envelope addressed to the realtor. The mailbox received the mail, and the red 'FOR SALE' sign adorned the property as a visual reminder of the changes in my life.

"Ready, my love?" Jack's comforting voice reached me as he approached, encircling me with his arms. I nestled into his embrace, and he tenderly kissed the top of my head. A sigh escaped me as I pondered my life's drastic transformation. Anxiety about the upcoming confrontation with a man I'd instead remain oblivious to gripped me.

Marked by Jack as one of his pack mates, I felt a surge of newfound strength coursing through me, like the effects of an energy boost settling into my system. I understood that my potency would peak after an entire mating ceremony with Jack. However, I hesitated to take that step, perhaps due to lingering loyalty to Trisha, as she remained the last person I had been with since her passing.

"Yeah, I've got the address in my Sat Nav," I said as I turned in his arms and looked up at Jack. "We'll have to stop a couple of times for Elena,"

"I know; call me when you need to stop," he told me, and I nodded at him.

"I will do," he leaned down and kissed me. It was a soft, sweet kiss, and I kissed him back. "We best get going," As we stood in the quiet twilight, I pulled away from Jack, the gentle caress of his lips lingering on mine. He nodded in understanding as he escorted me to my car. His strong presence, a silent reassurance, enveloped me, creating an air of protection. The night sky hung above us, dotted with stars, a celestial backdrop to our quiet exchange.

Jack opened the car door with a practised fluidity, the hinges whispering gently as he swung it open. I slid into the driver's seat, the excellent leather embracing me. Jack leaned in, shutting the door with a subdued thud, the sound echoing the finality of our departure. He crossed to his car, a silent silhouette in the gathering darkness.

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