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Hope's POV:

"MUMMY! MUMMY! MUMMY!" Elena's joyful shouts resonated through the room, jolting me awake on the morning of her 6th birthday. Gazing up, I was met with the radiant expression on her face as she bounced with unrestrained excitement. A robust and protective arm, belonging to none other than Alastair wrapped around her waist, playfully pulling her down to the bed amidst giggles and squeals.

"Happy Birthday, baby girl," I greeted her, leaning in to tenderly kiss her forehead. Despite the effervescent joy that Elena's birthday brought, the day held a bittersweet resonance for me. It marked a harmonious blend of happiness and sorrow, celebrating the life of my beloved daughter while also commemorating the loss of my wife.

As the memories of Trisha mingled with the festive atmosphere, a complex mix of emotions washed over me. Trisha had been a beacon of light in my life, and her absence was a void that time had yet to heal fully. My love for her was profound, extending beyond the duty of safeguarding Elena's well-being to a genuine and enduring affection for her as my wife. Today, as we celebrated Elena's life, I couldn't help but carry with me the echoes of the love and loss that defined this special day.

"Are you ready for birthday pancakes?" Jack asked, breaking me out of my walk through the past and my pain. I smiled through the hurt in my heart before getting up, dressing in my robe,  and heading downstairs with my little family.

"I know you miss Trisha," Jack said as we dressed after breakfast. Elena was getting herself dressed in her room. "I understand that today is the day you lost her,"

"I don't want to hurt you," I whispered.

"You could never, and I understand that you loved her, but I know you love me too, and I am your true mate. You may have married Trisha but didn't mark her and fully mate with her."

"An imprint bond had started," I whispered, and Jack halted. I had never admitted that to him. If mates were not true mates, they could imprint on each other and create a mate bond that was as strong as a true mate bond IF the two put their whole selves into the mate bond.

"You had an imprint bond but didn't mark Trisha...did you?"

"No, we didn't mark each other, but about a month before she died, an imprint bond started, and it was a shock to both of us..." I told Jack. I remembered when that bond hit us both.

Trisha and I were watching a rom-com movie. Trisha was laughing and weeping in parts – hormones. Then we watched a movie that had a raunchy sex scene in it, and I felt Trisha's hand wander across my body. She skimmed my breast, and then her small hand shoved its way into the waistband of my pyjama bottoms before her index finger flicked my clit. I groaned as small shocks of pleasure went through my body, and I started to get wet.

"You horny, T?" I asked huskily.

"Yes," She whispered back. I smiled at her before leaning across to kiss her hard. Her soft, firm lips pressed against mine, and her tongue darted out, teasing with mine, which made me smile. She had grown in bravery, and it was lovely to see.

I pushed her fluffy robe off her before pulling her maternity night dress up and off her body. Her breasts were full and plump from the milk inside them, and her round stomach was beautiful as it rested on her legs. I rubbed her belly and kissed her chest, suckling hard on her perk breast, which made her moan aloud. I loved hearing her moan and beg me or say she loved me. I loved her, and I loved the little family that we were creating. Regardless of how we started and how our baby came to be, I loved them both.

I guided Trisha to bed, getting her comfortable and safe on the bed before kissing my way down her body. I settled between her legs and started to lick, suckle, and pump my fingers in and out of her. I curled my fingers inside her and hit her sweet spot, making her legs quiver and her toes curl.

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