Part 7: I lean in.

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Jackson's POV

Yes, I knew who to bring. My sister's bestfriend. We have been very close lately so I think it would be nice to bring her along. Dan will probably take my sister so the girls will get to go together anyway. To ask Z to come with me, I first need to find her. I don't have a lot of time since the party is today.

I find Z by her locker, talking to Kai. While they talk, I walk up to them.

"What do you want Jack?" Kai says.

"I want to talk to Z for a bit" I reply.

"Alright, everything okay?" Z speaks as she walks a bit further with me.

"Yeah I wanted to know if you wanna come to the party at Moonlight." 

"Mm" she thinks. "I guess I could do my homework tomorrow, so yeah I'll go with you" She smiles and I smile back.

"Great, I'll be waiting by my car after school as normal for you and Kai." I say, she nods and we walk back to Kai. She is talking with Dan.

"I would rather stay home" Kai says in a quiet voice, Dan nods, they smile at eachother and he then goes back to the canteen. I follow him.

"Dan, why did you talk to Kai? You know she's my sister." I ask him as we sit down at the table, which Jay was already sitting at.

"Oh, I kind of um.. asked her to the party" He stutters.

"Ah, you know she's 15, right?" I carry on.

"Mhm, she said no anyway, so I won't be there." He sadly says. 

"Okay then, at least I've got Jay" I laugh and Jay agrees.

"Have you got anyone in mind Jay?" Dan asks him.

"Well uh, probably my annoying sister but she stole my food yesterday" He rolls his eyes and we laugh.

~ After classes ~

I wait by my car for the girls to appear. They finally show up, wave at me and get into the car.

"How was your girls' days?" I ask them.

"Good" They both respond in union, and I start the car

~ At home ~

As I got ready, I heard a knock on my door. I shout yes so the person knocking can come in.

It was Kai, she looked a bit nervous. I told her earlier that she should come with me so she isn't home alone.

"You got a second?" Kai asks and shuts the door after her.

"Yeah, I do." I respond.

"So uhm, basically, I don't want to go with you. I would rather stay home, pleaseeeee." She says and extends the 'e' in please.

I think about it for a bit, what is the worst that can happen to her? She is staying home alone and I'm coming back in a few hours with Z so she should be fine. I could even leave some money for her so she can order food if she wants.

"Alright then. I'll leave you some money for food if you need it." I tell her. Kai's eyes light up and she gives me a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Yeah yeah, but no going out okay?" She nods in response.

"Good, have fun then" I say and she leaves my room.

When I put my hand on my doorknob I checked my watch for the time, 8:47pm. I then texted Dan.


Hey, you coming to
Moonlight today?

No, I got other
things to do, sorry

Ah okay, dw.

As I put my phone away, Z came down the stairs. Today she wore a red minidress that sparkled along with her heels. She put her hair into a high ponytail and topped it off with gold jewellery. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, and I was caught staring, again.

"Ready?" She says as her high heels click against the stairs while she's walking down.

"Yeah, let's go." I say back and open the front door. "Kai, I left some money for you on the counter" I quickly shouted before I closed the door.

~ At the club ~

Me and Z arrived, I ran over to the passenger side and opened the door for her. We went inside the club, it looked the same, although there was more people.

We pushed our way through and found Jay at the bar. I order myself a couple of drinks, I couldn't keep count as I started drinking one after one.

Then Z asked me to dance. I thought she wouldn't want to. But I guess I was wrong. I held out my hand to her and she took it, and lead me to the dancefloor.

I won't lie, she has good dance moves. Never have I seen any other woman dance like that. She hasn't had any drinks either from what I can recall.

Soon, the song finished and we head back to the bar to Jay. We talked and laughed for what seemed like 20 minutes, but it was actually 3 hours.

As I kept listening, I totally forgot that I left Kai at home, I wondered what she was doing. But she probably was sleeping knowing how tired she usually gets.

Z then says that we should probably head home as its around 2am. God, that went by quick. Jay leaves with us but enters his own car. Me and Z both wave goodbye to him as he drives off.
Z saw that I was drunk again so she said she would drive. We both hopped in and she started the engine.

"You better not do another 'pull over' act." She laughs.

"No no not today" I respond.

We drive up to our house and I open my door, stand up on my legs and get dizzy.

"Can you walk?" Z asks.

"I don't think so." I say.

She rolls her eyes, puts me on her back and carries me into the house, into my room and places me on my bed. I never knew she was that strong.

As she puts me down, I lean in and kiss her.

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