Part 1: "Wedding In Two Years"

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Jackson's POV

Me and Kai quickly packed our bags and rushed to school, we were going to be late but we always are so I'm not really worried about it.

"Kai, are you ready yet?" I shouted.

"Yes, I'm coming now" She responded as she walked down the stairs. I locked the front door and we got into my car. My sweet, sweet lambo.
As we pulled up to school, I received a call from Jay. Lazily, I swiped my finger up from the green button and put my phone to my ear.

"Where are you? I've been waiting for half an hour" He says in a serious tone.

"I'm just at the entrance, I see you." And I end the call while I walk to them.

Jay and Dan are waiting for me, when I catch up to them they all say good morning, I quickly shout "Have a good day!" To Kai and she looks at me with a fake smile on her face while walking to her class, which me and the boys laugh at.

"Where's Axel?" I say as I look around the long hallway.

"Mm, probably kissing more girls" says Dan. Right then I see him with Z, my sister's bestfriend. It looks like they are talking, Axel looks at me and I wave to him. He walks over to us with his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Yo boys, meet my new girlfriend" Axel says. I look at Z and she doesn't really look happy, but looks at us and smiles. She speaks and says "Uhm, hey boys", we all look at Z and smile at her, I ask "You good?", she only nods her head in response.

Axel then takes his arm off her and whispers something to her ear. Z quickly nods and walks away while waving at us. "How did that happen I thought you weren't into relationships?" Dan asks.

"Yeah I'm not but my dad is good friends with her dad so they thought it would be a good match and we would get along well, they're thinking of a wedding in two years." Axel answers his question. We all widen our eyes at the sound of a wedding in two years.

"Damn." we say in union. A teacher comes around the corner and tells us all to go to class. We all walk to our classes and say goodbye to eachother.

~ After lessons during recess ~

As soon as I heard the bell ring, everyone rushed out of their seat and towards the door. I looked around for my friends and during that I see Axel making out with a very popular girl, Maddie. As soon as I see my other friends I tell them that Axel is, of course, with other girls. After thinking through this, I say "Do you guys think we should end our friendship with Axel? I mean, I don't really want to be friends with someone who treats girls like that." They think through it too and answer with "Yeah, I think its a good idea, but let's do it at lunch".

~ During lunch ~

We had the lesson before lunch together so we didn't have to find eachother. Me, Dan and Jay looked for Axel and finally found him in the bathroom. We walked up to him and started speaking.

"Hey Axel, I um think we shouldn't be friends.." Dan starts.

"Yeah I cant keep watching you treat girls like that." Jay carries on.

"You should have some respect for them, especially when you have a gf." I finish.

"Where is this all coming from? You were all fine with it earlier so whats the problem now?" Axel responds

"Well, you have a girlfriend, right? Its not the same anymore." Dan answers his question and we all walk away.

I check my timetable and see that I've got a free period after lunch, so I say goodbye to the boys to find Kai.
After searching the school for 20 minutes, I find her.

"Kai! Kai! Wait up!" I shout as I jog up to her.

"Yes, Jackson?" She answers. I see she's with Z so I give her a smile, she smiles back.

"I've got a free period, what about you?" I ask her.

"Mhm, me and Z too."

"Great then let's go home, Z you are welcome if you want to stay too." She nods at that and says a quiet 'thank you' and follows us to the car.

On the way home, Z's phone keeps ringing so I ask her while looking at her in the mirror, "Everything okay?"
She looks at me for a long second and answers, "Can you actually drop me off at my house?" I nod and Kai looks a bit sad.

We arrive at Z's house and as I look at their house, I can see her dad peek through the window. I then make a U-turn and drive home.

I start speaking "You good? It's a shame she couldn't come."

"Mhm, it is quite normal so I'm not that worried."

"Is her Dad nice?"

"I don't think I should tell you, but no, he's not a good man."

"What happened?"

"Well, her mum left and because of that, her dad started drinking and can't stop himself."

"That's terrible", this actually made me feel bad for her, I know I don't live with my parents but at least I know where they are and that they're okay. For the rest of the ride we sat in silence.

We got home and I straight away got to cooking. In the car I thought I could make pizza since it is Kai's favourite, and so I did. She happily came to the table and started digging in. That's what I was hoping for, to make her day better since I imagine it must've been hard for her.

As I sat on my bed scrolling on my socials, I thought I heard Kai talk to someone, but we have neighbours that talk really loud so it must be them.

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