Part 4: New Girlfriend

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When I arrived home from the party, I made sure to make my coat cover most of my legs and my arms. Then I got my key and quietly turned it around in the door, it opened. When I thought I was being extra quiet, I go in to see my dad waiting for me. He looked a bit mad. Oops.

"Come upstairs to the kitchen, I want you to meet someone special to me." He says.

I don't answer, but I put down my handbag and start heading to my room to change into some comfy clothes and go on my phone. My dad then enters my room.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for at least 4 hours! You're going to be punished young lady. I want you to be downstairs in the kitchen in less than 5 minutes. This is a warning."

"You didn't even give me a chance to-" I get cut off by him talking again.

"Downstairs. 5 minutes." He points his finger at me and leaves my room. I sigh in disbelief as why he is treating me this way. Ever since mum left he has been like this and it has been very hard for me.

Slowly, I walk down the stairs and enter the kitchen to see a woman that I have seen for the first time of my life. My dad looks at me and smiles.

"Who is this?" I ask in a curious voice.

"Meet Stacey, my new girlfriend."

"New g-girlfriend?" I stutter.

"Yes, she's very nice."

"I cant believe you would do that. After all those years with mum you're just going to give up like that and spend the rest of your life with some woman you barely know? No wonder mum left us. No one can replace mum and I'll never forget her like you did. I'm out of here!" I shout in between crying. He looks at me like he's seen a ghost, I ignore it and run out of the house with my face covered in my salty tears. I could hear my dad's footsteps coming closer and closer, I think of where I can go since it is now 5am. School starts at 8am and I'm on the streets, no where to go.

Then I realise I've got Jack and Kai. While running to their house, I look over my shoulder to see if the horrible man is chasing me. He stopped at the first house. So weak.

When arriving at their house, I quickly look up and down it to question myself if I should do this and if I'm sure about it. But my answer was fast; its too late to go back. I knock on the door. The door creaks open and from behind it emerges Jack. I faintly smile at the sight of him, even though I could feel my mascara was smudged, eyes red and my skin wet.

He opens his arms and brings me into a tight hug. I gladly return it and hold onto him for a few seconds. He then pulled back and asked, "Why are you here and are you alright?"

I responded to his question saying, "I'm here because my dad got a new girlfriend and it is too much for me since my mum left, I cant bare the thought of someone replacing her and well, I'm not doing the best right now."

"Ah I understand, you're welcome to stay here if you want and I'm here if you need anyone to speak to."

"Thank you, I was just about to ask about staying with you both for a bit until I could maybe get my own little house."

He opens the door fully. "Well then, welcome home."

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