Part 2: Barcelona

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Kai's POV

When I heard Jack jumping onto his bed, I immediately called Dan to come over. I know I shouldn't be doing this but I really do love Dan and think we are amazing together. We have been talking for a while so I'm sure he's going to ask me to be his girlfriend soon!

I nearly jumped when I heard a tiny rock hitting my window. But I already knew who it was. Daniel. I opened the door as silently as I could, walked down the stairs, tiptoeing of course, as Jackson's room is right at the end of the stairs, and I opened the door, there was a bit of a creak which scared me, but before I opened it fully, I could hear no movement so then I let Dan in.

We went upstairs quickly but quietly and started talking about trips and going on all sorts of adventures as soon as I closed the door. Then I came up with an idea. "How about we go to Barcelona for a day?". Dan got very excited and straight away said yes. I got out my suitcase and started packing. I thought about money and told Dan I need to take some out of my account just so I can have cash on me. He agreed to drive me so he can take out some money too.

We went down the stairs quietly (or so I thought), but as we approached the end of the stairs, I could see Jackson's door open. Me and Dan looked at eachother and Jackson started shouting about why I'm inviting people over and asking about why his bestfriend is here without him knowing, etc. After his little anger moment he headed to the kitchen to get god knows what.

"RUN!!!" shouts Daniel and we head for the front door.

Dan closed the door and got into the car followed by me. He started reversing quickly and soon we got on the main road. I was breathing heavily but then Daniel put his hand on my thigh to remind me that he's always here for me and that we're in this together.

Then I realised that we're at the bank so I got out the car. Since Dan is a gentleman, he quickly got out of the drivers seat and ran to open the door for me. I gave him a smile, which he returned, and he closed the door after me.

I took out the money from the bank and then went back to my house as all our suitcases were there. Daniel told me to stay in the car just incase, which I said that I will help him carry the suitcases. We had a mini argument about that one, but as always I won. As my foot touched the asphalt, I could already hear Jack screaming but we ignored it and entered the house. We grabbed the suitcases, slid my sunglasses onto my head and as I ran down the stairs I said "We're going to Barcelona, see you when we come back!"

When we left the house, both of us started bursting with laughter at Jackson's reaction. He had no words and stared at us as we left and got into Dan's vehicle.

Soon, we arrived at the airport. It wasn't very busy so we got through all the gates quite quickly. The flight wasn't that bad although there was a baby sitting behind me that wouldn't shut up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at Barcelona, hope you enjoyed the flight!" The pilot says.

Me and Dan got past boarder control and as I left the building, I could feel the warm sun rays piercing into my skin. It was an amazing feeling. We looked around and found a train station and then a train that would take us to the main city.

"You got the money, right?" Asks Dan.

"Um, let me check" I respond and look through my bag. I could see other things but not the money.

I then ask "Didn't you bring your money?" He shakes his head in response.

My whole body was shaking. How are we going to fly back home?

As I started to bite my nails, Dan says "But don't worry, when I booked the flight I clicked the return button and selected tomorrow, so we have to survive somehow until tomorrow morning."

I nod my head and feel a bit better. Then Dan takes my hand in his and starts leading us to the station where we get our train and go to the main city. During this, we both kept looking at eachother and smiling about how this kind of worked out. But then I started thinking of what it's going to look like when I come back home, most of all, I was thinking about how Jack was going to react. I am his sister, so he can't be that angry, right?

We entered the train and put our suitcases on the little shelf above our seats. I kept looking down at my feet and wondering if this will actually work out.

Dan looked at me and could see something was bothering me so he put my head on his shoulder.

"This will be the best day of our life, trust me" he says.

~ After the holiday ~

We got on our plane and I'm actually very happy because it was one of the best days of my life, just like Dan said, but I am sad that I have to leave this fascinating city.

We had to face Jack though, one way or another. So we did decide to take the flight during the night so I can sneak back in when he's sleeping. It was a big decision, but I had to do it.

When I felt the wheels of the airplane merge with the ground, I felt very nervous. Jack might hate me, but we have got a strong connection so he has to forgive me somehow.

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