Part 14: "What did you do!?"

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Kai's POV:

Once I got back home, Jack was already here. Angry.

"Where were you?" He started of the conversation.

"Out." I said and went upstairs to my room. Jack shouted after me but I ignored it and slammed the door to my room.

After last night, I knew I had to get a pregnancy test just incase I got pregnant. I was very stressed and I knew that if I was, Jack would probably kick me out of the house.

My bestie <33

Hey Z, could you do a
favour for me please?

Hey, what is it?

Can you.. get a preg test
for me?

Of course, do you
need anyone to speak to?

No, I just need
the test.

Okay, I'll be there

As I bit my nails, I heard a knock on the door then Z came in. She was a real lifesaver.

"Did Jack see what you had?" I asked her, hinting at the pregnancy test.

"No, I hid it in my purse, don't worry."

I was relieved. He can't know about this. She gave me the test and I went into my bathroom, then did what I had to do and waited 15 minutes. It was a long wait.

The timer on my phone went off, I turned it off and checked the test.

Deep breath in, and out.


I sighed and chucked it in the bin. I took another one and did the same.

"What was the result?" Z asked me quietly.

"Positive." I whispered. Jack couldn't hear this and know about this.

"Oh my god. Kai, what did you do?"

"I had to, okay? It was urgent."


We sat in silence until the timer went off again.

This can't be happening.

Positive again.

I chucked it in the bin again and sat on my bed. Z sat next to me and rubbed my back, but it didn't do anything. I was still worried and scared.

"I have to go now Kai. I have a meeting with someone important."

Guess I'm going to be alone for a bit.

Jackson's POV:

Me and Jay got in a fight. I didn't even do anything. And now Kai is upset at me too. I just asked where she was.

I called Jay but he wouldn't answer.
It was time to go to his house and talk to him. He can't be not seeing me forever.

Just then I get a text from Vee, Jay's older sister.

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