Part 12: Prom.

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Jackson's POV:

Today was the day of prom.. and speaking to Dan. I have no idea where he is right now but I'm going to wait under his door until he talks to me.

I tell Z and Kai that I'm going out and will be back in time for prom. Thinking about it, I wonder who Kai is going with. I don't even know if she's going or not. It looks like she's not going though because she's been sitting in her room almost the whole week apart from school, food or the coffee shop meeting. I still don't know who she met there.

By the time I've thought about what I'm going to say, I arrived at Dan's building. It is a very tall one with loads of windows. Very modern and I could live in it if I didn't have a beautiful house already. I parked in the underground garage and locked my car. As I took the lift to his floor, I thought about Z and her being in her prom dress. I couldn't wait until I could see her stunning self.

The lift made a ding sound and I knew it was time to face Dan. I lifted my fist and knocked on the door loud enough so he could hear.

Before I knocked again, the door opened and Dan's head popped out.

"Hey Jack, I'm in the middle of something." he says, I could tell he was tired by the sound of his voice.

"Dan, I've just got one question." I was determined to get an answer.

"Okay then, go ahead."

"Are you alright? You've been really off lately and I don't want to lose you."

"Jackson, I'm sorry but you've already lost me. I'm flying out the country tomorrow."

"Huh? What happened?" I was so confused, I thought everything was fine.

"I-i only told Kai this.. but I have a kid in America. You cannot tell anyone about this. If they ask just say an old friend needed my help."

"Dan atleast come with us to Athens. I've booked 3 tickets for me, Jay and you for tomorrow. Please."


"Thank you. Also, are you coming to Prom tonight?"

"No. I don't have anyone to go with."

"Alright then. Tomorrow. 9am. Airport. It's only for a day so we will be back the following day."

"Thanks Jackson. I think I really needed this."

"Of course man. I'm always here alright?"

"Yeah, I know." I give him a quick hug and return to my car.

I was just about to call Jay when he decided to call himself. Before I put my phone to my ear, I swiped up from the green button.

"Hello Jay."

"Hey Jack."

"What did you want?"

"Vee keeps stealing my clothes AND she stole my boba again."

"Oh great, can't you buy any more?"

"No, my dad cut me off for the day."

"Poor you. But I have got something to tell you."


"You're coming to Athens with me and Dan tomorrow. I'll pick you up so you're not late. Be ready at 8am."
And I hung up the phone. He has to come, I've already paid for the flight.

~ Just before Prom ~

While sitting downstairs, I could feel someone's presence appearing. I exactly knew who it was. The beautiful blonde walked down the stairs the same way as she did whilst getting ready for the parties. Well that's what I heard. I forgot everything that has happened at the party. I was drunk, apparently.

Z stepped onto the last step of the stairs and gave me a wide smile, which I returned. I wore a red suit with a black button-up shirt underneath. She had a long red dress with a slit which showed of her left leg. We were matching. This woman drives me crazy.

In my hand, I had a rose which I bought earlier and gave it to her to match her outfit. She smoothly slid it into her hair, just behind her ear.

"You. Look. Stunning, beautiful, pretty, perfect. I can't even describe it in words. If only you saw yourself in my eyes."

"Awh, thank you Jack. You look handsome.. in that red suit." She winked. That cute little smile of hers also appeared.

"Ready to win this?"

"Of course! Let's go!" I closed the front door and I ran before her so that I could open the passenger door for her.

"Why, thank you."

And closed it. Then, I went to my side of the car and started the engine. If she didn't tell me to look at the road, we would've already crashed. She made me stare at her and adore every single detail on her face.

We arrived at the school and I could see some guys with suits on as well as some ladies next to them. The school was decorated for this occasion, and it seemed like Z loved it.

Once she stepped out of the car, we linked arms and walked towards the main hall where Prom had taken place.

I hadn't even realised that I've left Kai home before I saw that she's here with Axel. Fucking Axel. Out of every guy in this school, it had to be him. Anger had built up in my body again as they walked towards the photo booth together.

Z had noticed that, stood infront of me and put her hands on my chest. She made me look down at her and calm down. How did she do that?

"Come on, let's dance!" She took my hand and dragged me onto the dance floor. My hand immediately landed on her waist whilst hers wrapped around my neck. We swayed to the rhythm and I must say it was quite fun.

The rest of prom passed by quickly and it was time to announce Prom King and Queen. Z was very excited and ran towards the front. I followed after her.

The host thanked everyone for coming and said:

"So, Prom King is.." There was a moment of silence.

"Axel. One of our hockey players."

Everyone cheered except for me and my friends. We knew what he did and there was no way that people voted for him.

"And for Prom Queen.. Kai Ross."

Z screamed and shouted 'Congratulations' to her bestfriend and I forced a smile at my sister. She claimed her tiara and sash, then stood next to Axel.

"Now, let the Prom winners have a dance on the dancefloor by themselves."

They danced in the middle. My hands turned into fists. I was very close to punching that smug face of his. He doesn't know whats coming.

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