"You wanted someone to pinch you, so I did." I feel Jeongin laughing before I hear the giggle. "Now get over here and help me hug her."

As he places his arms around us, I feel him shaking. I look up and tears are pouring down his face. I reach up and wipe his tears away with my hand.

"I'm here. I'm not leaving. Please stop crying."

"They can't help it. None of us can." I look back at Chris still sitting. The look on his face is devastating. He looks utterly lost. Tears are streaming down his face and he won't make eye contact with me. I look up questioningly at Seungmin and Jeongin, both of them nodding at me.

Jeongin, giving me a kiss, whispers to me, "Go take care of our leader. He's been the most worried and scared. Somethings going on, but we don't know what it is. He's trying to play the big bad wolf act, but he's hurting."

Seungmin leaning in adds in a whisper only I can hear, "As afraid as I was, as Minho was, he's been worse. He just won't talk to us. We're worried Lynn. None of us have ever seen him like this. Please, please help him." He looks down at me and I see the worry as he glances at Chris. He gives me a kiss, as hand in hand, him and Jeongin walk over to Minho, Han and Hyunjin. I look over at them and catch Minho's eye, as I gesture to Chris. He smiles and shakes his head.

I see him whisper to the others, then he comes over to Changbin and Felix. He leans down and whispers to them as well. One by one, they all come give me hug and kiss and leave Chris's apartment. As Minho hugs me, he looks down at Chris with a worried expression.

"Lynn, get him to talk. Somehow, please. He wouldn't talk to me. He hasn't talked to Changbin since the first night. I'm very worried. Help him. I-I don't know what to do to help. And it scares me. We've always talked, but this time he has shut all of us out."

I pull him in for a hug. "I'll do what I can Minho. He has me worried to. He's too still, too quiet. Let me have today with him. Can you go tell my family what's going on?"

As he kisses me bye, he promises to go immediately to tell Tony and Don. I know they'd have worried if I hadn't messaged them, but right now, I need to focus on Chris. He still hasn't moved and I'm beginning to freak out a little. I sit down beside him, facing him. Where's Sir McFlirty gone that I just had in the kitchen a little while ago?

"Chris, baby. Talk to me. It's just you and me now. And frankly, you're scaring me. Please, talk to me." Reaching over, I take his hand in mine. Chris finally looks over at me. I notice then, how dark the area looks under his eyes, like he hadn't slept. He looks away again, staring at nothing, in front of him. What happened to the man, that in the kitchen earlier, kissed me senseless? I'm so confused.

I do the only thing I know to do. I stand up, still holding his hand, then push him back and straddle him. Pulling his arms around me, I lay my head on his chest, with my arms around his waist. I can't only hope that he will snap out of whatever is going on.

We stay like that for a few minutes, till I feel him tighten his arms around me. Suddenly, he stands up, carrying me to the bedroom. Holy shit, I didn't know he could pick me up like that! He sits down on the bed, still holding me.

"Can we snuggle in here? Just snuggle? I'll even give you a pair of sweatpants so you'll be comfier. Please?"

Still, he hasn't looked at me, but I feel the tension and what feels like fear, radiating from him. What's going on?

"Sure Chris, I'll take a pair of sweatpants." He slides me off his lap and quickly walks to his closest. As he hands me the sweats, he shows me the bathroom so I can change. I quickly change and walk back out, finding him at the head of his bed sitting with his legs pulled up. I crawl up to him and sit cross legged facing him.

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