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365 by Mother's Daughter, Beck Pete

My Mind and Me by Selena Gomez

The next morning, I wake to heat surrounding me on both sides. The black out curtains were pulled so I'm unsure who else may be in the room. As I have to go to the bathroom, I slide out from in between them. Is it weird that I'm not even a bit surprised someone else is there? It should be, shouldn't it? But for some reason, I'm actually really comfortable with the idea. Hmmm. Guess I'm becoming more open with myself!

Returning, I open the curtain just enough for the moonlight to spill through a bit. Glancing toward the bed, I see someone shirtless and realize quicky, it's Minho. I carefully crawl back between him and Chris. Pulling the covers over us again, I start to drift back to sleep. I feel his arms pull me close. Hmmm, his skin is so soft. I turn on my side, laying my head against his chest, as I feel Chris roll over and put his arm over both of us. Their warmth and hearing Minho's heartbeat, lulls me back to sleep.

The light shining through, warms Minho's face. Glancing down, Lynn is laying half on me with her head on my chest, her hand splayed across my stomach and her leg hooked over mine. She's beautiful in her sleep. Her long hair is in a braid down her back. She looks so peaceful this way. I wish she always looked like this, so at peace. I know she struggles with her fears. If I could take them away, I woud. I'm just hoping she doesn't freak out too much with me being in the bed with them when she wakes.

He pulls her in tighter, loving the feel of her in his arms. Her scent is a mix between vanilla and some spice, it's amazing. He doesn't know if it's parfum, body wash or just her natural smell, but he can't get enough of it. Feeling her move ever so slightly, he looks back down, straight into her gorgeous green eyes. He pulls her in for a tight squeeze.

"Morning Minho. As much as I love laying here like this, I've got to go to the bathroom. And I ain't about to breath on you much, cause I know I got some stanky morning breath."

"You just woke up? How can you be so awake?" I can't believe this woman! How can anyone be so cognizant upon waking? Shaking my head, I start laughing.

Giggling, I crawl over him. Which, in hindsight, may not have been the best idea as I basically straddled him for a moment. Realizing it, I wiggle just a bit before I jump off, running to the bathroom. I hear a moan from behind me and smile.

As I began to wash my hands, he walks into the bathroom. Smirking, he proceeds to go pee like it's absolutely nothing. Catching me starting, he gives me a lopsided grin. I feel the blush coming on as I grab Chris's toothbrush and toothpaste so I can brush my teeth. I will not run away. I know he's going for the shock value. I mean, he's, well, hung like a horse! Wait, did I see a glint of metal at the end? OH MY GAWD, Minho is pierced! I glance again. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! He has a prince albert and frenum piercing? I'm in shock. And then, the thoughts start rolling through my head of how that's going to feel. I feel the blush creep up as my toes curl up.

As for anyone saying Asian men are small, obviously haven't met any like my men! My men. Yep, all 8 drop dead gorgeous, toe-curling, make me drool men. It makes me giddy with happiness to think that.

He comes over to wash his hands and upon finishing, grabs the spare toothbrush. This, this feels intimate, normal. When we're done, we go back to the bedroom and crawl back into bed. Chris is on his back, still sound asleep. The dark circles are definitely less noticeable than last night. Minho starts talking as we snuggle up.

"When I woke to your hand splayed across my stomach, I froze a bit this morning. The only person that ever touches my scar is Han. None of the others do, because they are afraid of upsetting me. But I realized I like it. I don't know how to describe the feeling that came over me, except maybe peace? But, I like it. I-I think I'd be ok if they touch me there too. Thank you, Lynn!"

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