Falling Deeper

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Jumping off the counter, I walk into Changbin's open arms. If this is how the rest are going to be, I'm going to be a mess. Seungmin nearly wrecked me saying he was scared and I have an inkling he's not the only one. I cry softly, snuggled into Changbin's neck. I wasn't expecting the emotions to hit me like this.

"Hey, it's going to be ok. Minnie talking to you and letting us know what he was feeling is huge. Really huge. Lynn, I've never seen him that shaken before. But he shared instead of holding it in. Thank you! I don't know what kind of magic you have weaved around us, but I'm not letting it go. None of us are. Now let's finish this, because I know the rest are about to start waking. And trust me, the others don't go take showers yet. They just want food!"

I giggle at that and wipe my face. As we get finished, we start quietly setting the table. I notice some of them starting to stir in their sleep. The call of food getting to their subconscious. Changbin decides it's time, so I go stand by the kitchen door. Close enough I can see them, but they can't see me. We'd decided I was going to surprise them.

As he starts attempting to wake them, Seungmin walks in. I let him know what the plan is and he gets a devious look on his face. Uh oh. I have a feeling I'm going to see savage Seungmin come out. He walks into the living room, turns around, winks at me. OH NO!

"Hey, I think Lynn's moving out!" he yells out. That little shithead! This is going to cause a problem.

Changbin's face mirrors mine in shock. Everyone starts trying to jump up at the same time and keep knocking each other over and I giggle. It's like watching a cartoon right now! But damn it Minnie, this was not part of the plan! This is not going to go well for him. I just know this caused some issues.

They all stop and look around trying to figure out where the laugh came from. Seungmin still has an evil smirk on his face as he turns around to me. I can't let this go any longer, because I can tell Seungmin may go further. Just as he starts to say something else, I jump out.

"Ummm, surprise and good morning!" Seungmin gives me a pouty face, but then smiles. The rest of the guys are in shock. I walk forward to stand in between him and Changbin.

"Cat got your tongue boys? Never seen y'all so speechless. And Seungmin..."

Before I can finish, a chorus of squeals and excitement comes from the other 6. Soon, I am being passed around for hugs. All of them, with tears in their eyes. The last to grab me is Minho.

Currently, Minho and I are hugging, but I feel like something is wrong. So far, he hasn't looked at me. I look over at Chris, worried. Suddenly Minho looks at me with panic in his eyes. I quickly glance at Chris, because he noticed it too, and he motions us toward the kitchen.

As I lead Minho to the kitchen, Chris gets the rest of the guys to calm down and sit at the table. They all look over as I'm leading Minho away. "Let them be guys. They'll be back. Minho just needs a moment, ok?"

"Seungmin, you are in so much fucking trouble for that stunt!" Hyunjin is not happy and very vocal about it. I hear a loud smack and realized he'd hit Seungmin.

"You asshole, that hurt!!! Why the fuck did you slap me?" Seungmin yells.

"Yeah? It was meant to! You're lucky I just slapped you and don't deck you right now!"

"KIDS, STOP IT RIGHT NOW! This is not helping anyone. Sit down and we will talk, like civilized adults." bellows Chris.

I hear sorry from the two as Minho and I make it to the kitchen. Right after entering, I hear laughter. Ok, I know they'll be fine now. If I can only figure out what's going on with Minho.

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