Running High

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The next morning comes bright, and a whole lot earlier, than I wanted. Even though I didn't get to sleep till after 2am, my body wakes me up at 6:30am. Oh how I wish I could go back to sleep. I'm trying desperately to avoid thinking about what happened last night. Being told they all like older women, what the hell am I supposed to think of that!? As it was, my dreams were wild last night. I fucking woke up to an orgasm from a dream about Chris! Literally, that is what woke me up. I don't think I've ever, in my whole life, had an orgasm wake me from my sleep. I've heard of it happening, but it hadn't happened to me! I had to jump and run to my shower because I was so wet from it.

Dreaming of him kissing me, slowly taking off each other's clothes, caressing my body, before fucking me like there is no tomorrow. Damn, I have to stop thinking about it. I'm getting wet again, from just the memory. Yeah, but you know since you've kissed them, the dreams aren't going to stop, I think to myself. Whose next, Lee Know or Jeongin waking me in my dreams? Or could it be one of the other hotties? I'm so screwed. It's been too long.

This has to stop! Get your mind out of the gutter woman! Time to go workout. After putting on my leggings and sports bra, I walk to the window to see what the weather was like. Great, just great. I'd hoped to go outside for a run, but after looking outside at the rain, umm no. The treadmill will just have to do today. I slip on my compression long sleeve top so my arms don't go into flapping mode as I run. I'm so glad to getting rid of that skin. I'll get breakfast later. Right now, I need to rid my brain of all the thoughts running through it. As if that's going to happen. Ugh.

And what are my kids going to think if they find out I kissed Chris? Oh shit, not just kissed but basically starting dry humping him in the damn hallway!!! I mentally yell at myself. My inner diva glares back at me. She's having a field day with all this and is quite happy with herself. Ugh. Come on, get it together Lynn. Water, shoes, keys and get your butt out the door.

Getting to the gym, I thankfully find it empty. I was really hoping I wouldn't see any of them. At least, not yet. I've got to get a run in and just let my brain go on auto mode. Pulling up my play list, I start running and nearly fall flat on my face. Red Lights had come on. This is not going to work out! Nope, cannot be Stray Kids! I quickly switch over to my Ateez play list. Ok Lynn, time to zone out.

After over an hour of hard running, the sweat is pouring off me, so I start winding down my run. As I do, I realize I'm no longer alone in the gym. I look over to see Changbin working out with the free weights. Oh boy, not sure I'm ready to face any of them. Maybe I should have just ran in the rain. He looks up at me and smiles. I can't look at him right now. I didn't realize he was walking toward me till it was too late. He gets to me as I'm stepping off the treadmill and pulls me in for a hug, then steps back.

"What was that for?" I asked, quite shocked.

"Because, I have a feeling, we overwhelmed you last night. And I already know the stunt Minho, Jeongin and Chris pulled. We all saw them touching you throughout the night. And Jeongin and Minho kissing you didn't help. I'm sorry. I know we are crazy and chaotic, but that was a lot for just meeting all of us. As for Chris, Chris has never done something like this before. He's pretty messed up right now. I know what he did and what he told you about all of us. I can't imagine what you're feeling. You looked like you were running to chase away demons. Are you ok with all this? What can I do for you? I don't know what else to say or ask."


"He came to me last night, freaked out. Look, he likes you. A lot. And he's feeling really shitty about maybe taking it too far. We know the soju did not help. I'm sorry."

"Binnie, you have nothing to apologize for. And yeah, it's a lot to take in. Right now, I'm not sure how I am. I'm definitely overwhelmed. Shook, shocked, scared. Those are all there right now. I don't think I know how to feel. I don't even know if I can look at Chris in the eyes right now. I feel embarrassed too. I shouldn't have let it get past just a kiss. I'm just..." Tears are threating to fall, so I turn around. It didn't escape Binnie though.

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