The Can't Be

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I Won't Let You Go by James Morrison

Leave by Stray Kids

Waking up to an intense pain in my side, I know I'm in trouble. Barely able to move, I try to grab my phone, but it falls. I know there is no way I'm going to be able to bend over to get it. All I can think is that I have to get to one of the kids. The pain suddenly becomes so severe, it takes my breath away. One foot in front of the other, I get to the end of my bed and collapse. My last thoughts are of my children and my lovers floating through my head. The darkness takesme under.

Hearing something crash as I was getting ready for work, I look out of my room. Going over to Don's, I look in to see him look up.

"Did you drop or knock something over bro?"

"Dude, I was coming in here to ask you that."

Looking at each other, we both say mama at the same time. Running out, we throw open her door and see her collapsed on the floor. A table close by, knocked over. I realize that is what we heard.


"Mama, what's wrong? Mama, wake up! Shit, go grab the guys and call the emergency number! Don, GO!!!!"

I hear him yelling down the hallway that Lynn has collapsed as I sit down and roll my mother over. All I can do is hold my mama's hand in my lap. She's not responding to me. Her breathing is shallow and she is so pale. But at least her heart is beating and she is breathing.

"Mama, hold on. Please hold on. You have so much left to do. You're getting married again soon. You have to be around for Don and I. Mama, can you hear me? Please wake up!"

I look up as Changbin comes running in. One look at Lynn on the floor and he collapses next to her. I can hear the rest of the guys running this way, but I can't take my eyes off the absolute terror in Changbin's face. I watch as he shakily takes her other hand in his. His fear is palpable, equal to my own.

"Lynn, my love. Honey, you have-have to wake up for me. Don, Tony, me and the guys, we need you love. Please wake up. Lynn? Can you hear me? Wake up baby, wake up."

There is desperation in my voice. I can't lose her. I can't. Why isn't she responding? I glance around at the guys, their own fear echoing back at me. Hyunjin collapses on the floor next to me, wrapping his hand around mine and Lynn's. Tears are pouring down all our faces.

"Chris, why isn't she waking up? Why? What's wrong? Where the fuck is the ambulance?"

"I-I don't know Bin, but the ambulance is nearly here. Security is waiting to bring them up. Ok?"

Just then, we hear the elevators open. Felix reaches down and pulls Hyunjin out of the way as Chris helps Changbin. Jeongin helps me as Seungmin is wrapping his arms around Don. They get mama on the gurney and tells us what hospital they are going to. Tony and Don going with her, while the rest of us will meet them there.

Calling PD-nim, I let him know what is going on. We were supposed to have an interview that morning. He tells us to not worry, that he will meet us at the hospital. Gathering into the van, we take off, thankful that one of our security team is driving. There is no way any of us could have. At least not safely.

Security screams at us to wait as we all jump out of the van, but fuck that. Running in, we demand to know where Lynn has been taken. Just then, Don and Tony step out of a private waiting room, motioning for us.

PD-nim shows up an hour later with coffees and donuts for everyone. "Boys, I know you may not be hungry, but eat something. She is going to need you strong for when she gets out. Don, Tony, what can I do for you two?"

The Adventure of a Lifetime AwaitsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin