Let's go!

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Oh no, what does he mean we? I'm standing here looking at him waiting for an answer. I jump as I hear someone walk up directly behind me. 

"What's up Chris?"

I'm in shock. That deep voice. It vibrates through me, he is so close. I mentally have to shake myself. That voice does things and I have got to get my mind out of the gutter. It's feeling very hot in here all of a sudden. I look at Chris, who is of course grinning from ear to ear. Damn it, I think he caught the shiver I had. Turning around, I already know who I'm going to see.

"Hello Felix"

"Oh! Hi Lynn! Your kids are pretty cool. And did you call them spawn? Did I also here you say back the truck up? That's hilarious! We should all go out sometime. "Felix say.

 This all came out rapid fire as Chris came around to stand beside Felix. I must look stunned because Chris starts laughing. I take a deep breath and raise my eye brow at him. Since he's not much taller than me, we're nearly eye to eye. He stops laughing and just smirks at me. All I can do is roll my eyes at him.

"Hi Felix. Or do you prefer Yongbok? And yes, I did call them spawn. When they annoy me, they are my devil spawn. Yes, I also said back the truck up. It's a saying I've always said." I say laughing.

I turn to Chris, because I realize I haven't asked him either. "I'm so sorry. I did ask you. Chris or Chan?"

"Chris...Felix...is fine" they both say at the same time.

My turn to start laughing. How is this my life right now? I feel like I've entered in the Twilight Zone or something.

"I am so nailing my kids to the wall when I get back to the apartment. I knew they were hiding something from me! But this (motioning between the two of them) really takes the cake."

"Naur, don't! We actually ask them not to, after they told us how big of a Stay you are. We thought it'd be fun to see how long it took for you to realize we live on the same floor as you, " Felix says.

"I honestly can't believe you haven't heard us walk by. We aren't exactly quiet when we are all together," states Chris.

"That's because most of the time this week, I've had my earbuds in. So, we live on the same floor? Who all is we?"

Then it hits me that there is a possibility a few may have heard me singing. I was singing at the top of my lungs to let my emotions out. I can sing, but I am most definitely not an idol. Now I'm embarrassed. Luckily, we are walking around getting the rest of our goodies, so I they didn't see me blush.

"Oh, we all still live together. Well, sort of. We each have our own apartment now. But all on the same floor," Felix tells me.

"We were surprised to see the apartment you're in get rented. They've kept in empty for a while, because of us. One of our managers and his wife has the other on the floor," responds Chris.

"Oh. Well, maybe they didn't think about an American woman and kids would know y'all? Who knows. I'm glad though, it's a really great apartment. Is it ok that we are on your floor? Is it going to be a problem?" I ask nervously.

"Nah, not at all. Do not worry about it. I think it's cool. In fact, would you like to meet the rest of the kids?" ask Chris.

"Seriously, do you even need to ask? Of course. But, isn't that..."

My thoughts start going crazy. Is it even ok if we meet them? I mean, obviously my two brats have met some. But these two are talking about me going to one of their rooms. Or I assume. Why am I freaking out?

"But what? Let me guess, you are worried you're going to cause an issue if you do and management finds out?" ask Felix.

"I mean, well, yeah. I do not want to cause issues for y'all at all! I get it, eventually I'm going to meet idols in the elevator. I found out my son Tony met Peniel and had a conversation with him in the elevator. But..."

"Woman, stop overthinking everything!" Chris tells me. Oh, I know this man did not just go there with me. Chris is trying to give me attitude. Two can play at that game. I raise my eyebrow at him as I put my hand on my hip.

"Excuse me? I know you did not just pull that with me?" It may have come out sassier than I intended, but oh well.

"Sorry! It's fine though! I promise." He says with hands raised. "Besides, you literally live on our floor. Our manager knew when you got approved for the apartment and moved in. We were all gone the first two days after you got here. We were surprised, but excited at having an American neighbor for a year. Especially since we just got off tour and we've decided to take some time off and just relax a little bit."

"Ya, what he said. It's fine."

I'm looking at Felix as he says this with a grin on his face. His smiles are seriously infectious! I feel myself beginning to relax.

Looking at my watch, I realize the time. It's late, but considering I'm a night owl this is nothing. It's just now around 10:30pm and honestly, that's early for me. So, why not? I guess it's time to go meet the rest of group.

I realize Chris and Felix are both looking at me and waiting for an answer. Looking at them both, I smile big.

"Ok boys, let's do this thang! Never thought I'd meet any of you. I've been to a couple concerts. Which by the way are absolutely amazing! I knew I was in for an adventure coming here, but nothing could have prepared me for this." I tell them this and we all start laughing.

We got to the front to pay for our purchases and they refused to let me pay. These two! I acquiesced and let them. I realized very quickly with the look Chris gave me, I wasn't going to win. That look. Not gonna lie, holy hell it was hot! Nope, don't think like that woman. He is way too young for you. Oh great, there goes my fabulous blush. Ugh. Get ahold of yourself woman!

Chris looks over at me and sees the blush. Damn it. I caught when he looked over at Felix. Hmm, I can't decipher that look. I don't think I even want to try. But I realized both got smirks. Great, Felix caught the blush too. Oh, so that's how it's going to be! We going to play that game? Ok, let's go boys.

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