Time to Play

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Throughout dinner, every touch, every glance, drove me crazy. But, I wouldn't change it. Every touch was helping me to see how much they really care.  Even the ride back home, they still took every chance they could to touch me. These men of mine are making me melt. I'm going to be a puddle by the time we get back to the apartments. Which I'm not going to complain about.

As we get back to the apartments, Chris leads me to the side. We stand downstairs talking as everyone slowly makes there way upstairs. My kids are the last to leave, hugging me and telling Chris and I me to enjoy ourselves with winks. All I can do is shake my head and smile at them. Man, do I love them! After the last of them have left and it's just us in the lobby, he takes my hand and leads me to the elevator.

My heart is thumping as we walk step into the elevator. Pulling me tight, we gaze deeply into each other's eyes. Leaning down, he pushes me against the side of the elevator and begins kissing and biting my neck. As the doors open on our floor, we break apart. Looking down at me, he smiles and walks us to his apartment. After taking our shoes off, we walk hand in hand out to the balcony. He leans over right before we go out. Turning around to see what he's grabbing, I see a blanket in his hands. He pulls me back against his chest, hugging me tightly from behind as he wraps the blanket around us. Leaning his head on to my shoulder, we stand facing out, just looking at the city lights. I feel safe, and loved, standing here like this.

"Thank you, Lynn. I know Don, Tony and I probably took you by surprise by setting this up. But I really wanted some time alone. You are simply amazing. I want to get to know you better. I want you to know me better. Ummm, do you think you'd be willing, maybe, to do this with each of the others? I mean, umm, just think about it. OK?"

I turn in his arms, looking at his gorgeous face. I had already thought about it and knew what my answer was. "Chris, I would love to do this with every single one of the guys. I want to get to know you all. I'd already thought about it after the kids told me about tonight. So yes, if the guys would like to, I'm in. I want to know the real you. Not what we see on shows or stage. I know there is so much more to each other you. There are complexities and little nuances that no one, besides each other you, knows about the others. If you're willing to share, I'd love to get to know those sides of each of you."

"How are you so perfect for us? I can't stop thanking you jagiya. You love us, as we are. More, you accept us on a level that has surprised and shook all of us to our cores. We always hoped, but never fully expected, to find that one woman who could accept all of us. Would could love all of us. It's you, you do."

Walking back in out of the cold, we sit in the living room. Sitting next to him in a way we can see each other's faces, we talk about our families. I explain that my mother had already passed away years ago and that I have no clue about my father. He told me more about his family and how hard it was to move away when he was only 13. I tell him what it was like growing up poor and the things I saw and heard and dealt with that no young child should have to deal with. We talked about the dark times we've both went through. He really gives all the credit to still being here to his loves. One by one, as he choose them, the darkness in his heart was slowly lifted.

As he is telling me about those early days and the struggles, I can see pain and sorrow he dealt with. Then I watch the shift as he begins talking about working as 3Racha. Then JYP giving him the opportunity to create his own group. The pain of two being taken away and the joy of them returning. The pain and anger of one deciding to leave abruptly and feeling like everything was falling apart for a bit. He talks about realizing he was beginning to fall in love with each of them, but keeping it hidden because he was so afraid. I realize how much each of them have really dealt with. They really are awe-inspiring, but so humble, about what they have accomplished.

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