Text and Love

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Several days have passed and everyone is back to work. I loved my time getting to know the guys. Though there has been kissing and some serious making out amongst all of us, no one has pushed me. It has boosted my confidence. So much, that I actually had them all over last night for dinner where I actually wore my shorter shorts and a tank top! For the first time in a long time, I felt confident and loved. It was amazing. I know I'm going to have bad days still, but to feel this confident around them already is huge!

Tony started his new job today. He was seriously excited this morning. And I am so damn happy for my kid! I did have to remind him, no talking about the guys. I mean, he can say he's met them, but that's it. He assured me, he already had that covered. I hope he has a great day. We made him take the car today.

Don and I are off to his final doctor's appointment before his surgery next week. I can tell the nerves have hit. As we sit on the bus, he's fidgeting and twitching. Reaching over, I take his hand in mine. I can feel the slight shaking.

"Hey, it's going to be ok Don. OK? You're ready, right? This is going to be a great appointment and then Tuesday morning we are prepared for." He just nods his head and squeezes my hand. I'll be glad when his surgery is over. Not because I'm in a hurry, but because I know he can finally feel free. It's been a long time coming and I know he is so ready for this.

After the doctor's appointment, we decided to go walk around the mall. We did find a few shirts that Don is excited to get as they are for after he is healed. Seeing him so excited makes me giggle. I love getting to see the excitement!

"What you laughing at mom?"

"You. Your excitement is amazing! I really love those shirts you bought though. I can't wait to see you get to wear them."

"I know, right? Give me a month and I'll get to." Taking my hand, he jumps up and down. "It's happening mom!! Finally, after all these years. I'm so excited! Plus, I saw you eyeballing the lingerie. Why didn't you get any?"

"I'm waiting till after my surgery and the swelling has gone down. Because I have no idea what's going to fit me then! But, I did go ahead with getting a bathing suit. I've really missed swimming. Also, hello, the cute earrings I got? I was so excited to find those hoops! As for clothes though, no more till after swelling goes down."

This is the cutest thing ever! Watching my child be this excited. Something I haven't seen from him in so very long. Grabbing his hand, I lead him over to the boba shop Nari had suggested. Sitting down, we laugh as we drink our boba and debate what to eat.

Just then, my phone dings with a text message.

*BC* Hey baby girl, what you doing?

*M* At the mall with Don. He had his final doctor's appointment. It went great! We decided to do some shopping after. Found him so great shirts for after he heals. He's so excited!

*BC* I'm so glad it went well. We're all excited for him too! Hey, I'm going to create a chat message group with them added. We'll have our special one and then one for the whole group. Is that ok?*

*M* Let me ask Don, but I don't see why it'd be a problem

"Hey. Chris wants to know if it's cool if he adds you and Tony to a group chat with all of them. That way if we are going to do things together or whatever they can let y'all know. Is that cool with you?"

"Duh mom! I know Tony will be cool with it too. What are the guys doing today?"

"Not entirely sure, but I know they had some recordings to do this morning."

*M* They are good to go! So, whatcha doing today?

*BC* We are doing some recording. Got a question? Do you want to stop by the studio? You can see where we work! I mean, is that ok with y'all? We really would love to show you what we do.

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