Information Revealed

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Knowing my kids, they aren't going to be shy about telling the guys they are happy with whatever. I jump right in. Might as well tell him that too.

"He he, well, about that. I don't hide things and they knew I was upset this morning. We talked They found out about the kissing. Flipped out about Jeongin. Which yes, made me laugh. Then they proceeded to, umm, hmm... Well..."

Binnie is looking at my quizzically as I try to explain this. Taking a deep breath, I decided to just blurt it out.

"They told me that whatever happened was fine with them. And knowing them, they are probably telling the others this. So..."

Changbin starts laughing, hard. His high-pitched laugh is damn cute and infectious, I start laughing too. But then a thought hits me. Oh-OH NO! No no no. Dammit.

"Oh shit! They're going to tell the others about me being an author and a fanfic writer!!! OH HOLY HELL! I'm in trouble. They've probably already told them. OH MY GOD BINNIE!!!"

Changbins laughter gets hard and tears start to fall. Ass. But seriously, I might be in trouble once they find that out! Thankfully Changin is the only one to know that the fancfics I write of Stray Kids, are the ones my own sexual lusting is all about. These men are the reason I've had to replace my sex toys several times! All of a sudden, I get a text from Felix. Well, score for mom spidey sense! I knew that wasn't going to take long for them to tell them!

LF*FANFIC WRITER???? Wait, does Bin know? And Chris and Lee Know too?*

Just then Changbin's phone pings. He looks at it, then me. "Let me guess, Felix? He just messaged me. Yes, you can tell him."

"Guess I'd better explain some other stuff too then. Yes? Because things are about to get interesting." Smiling slyly, he answers Felix back.

"Hey, slow down. I want to get to know you first. I wasn't joking when I said go slow. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not attracted, like duh. Of course, I am. But baby, anyone seeing anything below the belt, is NOT HAPPENING! I am not mentally prepared for that. I've got to get through this surgery and get my mind in a better place before I'll even consider that. Even as tempting as y'all are." He arches his eyebrow at me on that statement. I just smile sweetly at him.

I'm waiting. I just know my phone is going to go off once he realizes I'm the writer of the story that drove him crazy. I so wish I was a fly on the wall to see his face right now! I'm surprised it's taken this long. Then again, I'm not sure why Changbin told him.

"And we can work with that. Look, none of us want to rush anything. Though we might steal kisses from you every once in a while." He says this with a cheeky grin and a wink as he finishes another text. He sends it and now I know we are both waiting. I can't help but smile and roll my eyes, while giggling at him.

I hear the ping. Felix had texted him one word, "WHAT?" In shouty letters. I know I'm next. But instead, my phone rings. It's Felix. Answering it, I put it on speaker phone.

"Hello Felix, you're on speaker phone."

"You're at Nari's, right? Are you in a private room?"

"Yes, we are." I look at Changbin and he is nearly convulsing from holding his laughter in.

"BINNIE, YOU.ARE.A.CUNT! YOU KNEW!!!! AND LYNN, WHAT THE FUCKING HELL? HAS HE TOLD YOU WHAT YOUR STORY DID TO ME? DID HE?" Laughing so hard I can barely breathe, Changbin answers him.

"Yes Felix, calm down love. She's been told that you nearly attacked me. There is more to those stories than any of y'all know. We'll all talk when I get back. OK?"

"More? There's more? I may not survive." Felix lets out a groan. Low voice, groaning-MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!! I have to mentally shake myself from that one.

The Adventure of a Lifetime AwaitsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang