What had been

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While introductions were being done, Chris and Lee Know had been busy getting all the ramen and snacks ready. It was so sweet of them. I could tell they are used to doing this. I'm actually pretty hungry as the last time I ate was I think, close to noon. My stomach must have thought so too as it let out a growl right at that moment. Felix, who was sitting close to me, looked over at me and giggled. I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled back.

"Lynn, what brings your family over to Seoul?" ask Hannie.

"Two upcoming surgeries. Bonus, Tony has a work permit for this year. Since his college graduation, he has been excited to see if he could get this work visa while we were over here. We weren't sure it was going to come through, but finally did. He's really excited about what this can do for his career."

"You mentioned surgery at the store. What kinds of surgeries? Is everything ok?" ask Felix.

"Everything is fine. My son Don, is having his top surgery. There was a huge safety factor for both us, as to why we choose over here. And as for me, mines going to be pretty major. I've lost 150 pounds and have a lot of loose skin. I'm having it all removed finally. I'm excited and scared, all at the same time." I said with a laugh.

"Oh, so Don is trans? Oh sorry, is it ok to ask that?" ask Jeongin.

"Yes, it's fine. I know, it shocks a lot of people. Since he was a young teenager, he's felt this way. And truthfully, he NEVER wanted breast. He hated then from the beginning. Probably should have clued my husband and I in when he was a kid to him being trans. I'm really excited for him. I hope that doesn't make it awkward for you to speak to him."

"Is he excited to be getting it done? And for me, not a problem. As long as what he is doing helps him mentally and makes him happy, I'm also excited for him!" he says. The rest of the guys quickly agree.

"Thank you all so much! You really have no idea how much that means to me. I'll let him know as well. He's been wanting this done for so long. So having support here, besides his brother and I, will mean a lot."

"It took a while to get all the visas and such worked out, plus finding an apartment. We are so happy to be here though! We were really shocked when this apartment opened up."

"What about your surgery, what does it entail? How long is that recovery? I mean, this sounds pretty intense. Plus, 150-pound weight loss, that's impressive!" Ask Changbin.

"Thanks Binnie. It will be intense. Basically, short version is a full body lift."

Binnie looks at me and motions for me to continue.

"Okay, okay. Easiest way to tell you, I will have the skin from my legs, abdomen and arms tightened. At the same time, all the excess skin will be cut off. It's going to be quite a lot. Lots of stitches and or staples used. I'll have some wicked scars, but it will be worth it! I had my face, neck and...umm, other parts (cue intense blushing, ugh), done a year ago. But this, I really searched for doctors here that had done this and found one that is an expert in this type of surgery. Plus, it is safer. They will do laser treatments to help with scaring and healing too."

"Wow, just wow! That's a lot to happen all at once. And the recovery? But also, damn way to go on the weight loss! I've never known anyone to lose that much weight." ask Minho. I hear echos of congratulations from all of them.

"Thank you Minho. Let's just say, I'm expecting a lot of pain. A whole lot of bruising. It's not going to be easy, but the flip side is exciting."

"How long will you be at the surgery center? And when are you doing this? For both of you?" ask Seungmin.

"Tony has his in another week. A few days for him and then here at the apartment. I'll be taking care of him until my surgery which is a month after his. And I'll be at the center for around a week. At least that is what's expected. Then I'll come back here." I'm trying to avoid the rest of the details.

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