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"Well, if it's not Seo Changbin coming to grace my establishment today!" I hear this as a tall, black haired, woman comes into view.

"Hi Nari! How's it going? I want to introduce you to someone." He leads me forward till we are standing right in front of her.

"I had a feeling you would be in soon. You must be Lynn?"

"Yes, I am. How did you know that?" I look over at Changbin, because I have no clue who this woman is.

"He didn't tell you yet did he? Changbin, see if I bring you any chicken!"

"No, don't be like that!! That's why we're here. She deserves to know and we all trust her. Come on Nari, your fried chicken is the best!"

"Wait. Already? Changbin, are you ALL sure you're ready to tell her?"

"Can someone please explain what is happening right now? I'm running on very little sleep, my emotions are most definitely not the best today and I'm very confused. Plus, it smells really good in here and I'm getting hangry!"

Nari gives a loud throaty laugh and says "Oh, I like you! I'm Nari. I live with my husband, their manager, in the other apartment. I can see why they've taken to you. Come on Bin, I'll take you to one of the private rooms."

"Nice to meet you Nari."

"I hope you are prepared. Bin, everything? Are you sure? Hanuel know yet? Oh wait, is that why I got a message asking me to let him know if you showed up? Did you take off without informing anyone?" She looks around realizing there is no security either.

Changbin sheepishly looks up a Nari and grins. "Ummm, yeah. I didn't even let the guys know. They saw us in the elevator we were leaving. And yes, everything. Let's just say 3 of the guys got a little too involved last night for us to not allow her and her kids to know. Especially since they live on our floor."

"Look, if we need to sign NDA's, we will. Knowing we live on the same floor as y'all, I'm surprised we didn't have to when we moved in."

Nari looks shocked and appraises me. I stand my ground. Like hell am I going to shrink back and let someone intimidate me that just met me. I don't think it's what she's trying to do, but right now, I just can't think straight. And seriously, I really am getting hangry! Plus, no coffee yet.

I see the moment Nari realizes I'm close to breaking. "Let's go to the room. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Surprise me? Just please tell me you have hot coffee? I haven't had any and I'm in desperate need of some."

Nari shows us to the room and we walk in and close the door.

Changbin is looking at me. I can tell he is trying to determine what and how to say what he needs to say. But the silence is killing me and making my nerves jumpy. But I can't think right to say anything, so we sit in the awkward silence.

It's not long before Nari brings in our food and drinks. Thank God she did have hot coffee. She even brought me a large cup. I grabbed my purse to get my individual creams out. I carry it, since not everyplace has it. Changbin looks at me and laughs.

"Hey, y'all can have your Americano's with nothing. Me, I have to have flavored creamer and sugar. Now, spill the beans. I'm guessing Lee Know and Han are an actual couple. Just the way they've always acted toward each other. But then he kissed me so I'm confused. And what was that text about dynamics? Wait, oh. OH!" I look at Changbin with shock. If I'm right, this also explains so many things.

"You figured it out didn't you? Yes, Minho and Jisung are a couple. They have been for a long time. But because of our laws here, and our label, they haven't been able to show that side."

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