Chapter Thirty-Four: Who is the Octopus Man?

Start from the beginning

Gina soon appeared next to him, and she nodded.
"Yep," she said, "The pain medicines are definitely starting to wear off. Argh, if only I brought extras! Stupid, stupid me!" She smacked herself on the head.
"It's okay, Gina." Makenna comfortably spoke, "Don't worry. We have some pain medicines here." She reached out to pet Gina, but she pulled away.
She still didn't totally trust Makenna. "Get those filthy human fingers away from me!" she snapped at her. Makenna opened her mouth to speak, but just before she could, she, Gina, and Raeven heard the sound of screeching tires. Mrs. Delling had already disappeared inside the house.

Makenna and the two avians turned their bodies in the direction of the screeching tires, and they saw that Mr. Delling had pulled into the driveway. He screeched to a stop in front of Makenna's surfboard and turned off his car.
Soon, he appeared from the driver's side, and he pointed at the surfboard yelling, "Who on earth left this dawg gone surfboard lying right in the path?! Was it you, Makenna?!"
"Surfboard?" Makenna questioned. She, Gina, and Raeven exited the garage and stepped onto the driveway. Makenna still held Tracey's arm over her shoulders. Her eyes landed on her surfboard. "What in the name of?!" she gasped, and she loosened her grip on Tracey, "My surfboard! It's my surfboard! How though?! I thought I lost it forever! Unbelievable! It was as if it appeared by magic!"
Caleb soon hopped out from the passenger seat of Mr. Delling's car, with his book bag over his shoulder, and his own eyes landed on Makenna's surfboard. "Inconceivable!" he announced. He rubbed his chin, "This surfboard wasn't here this morning. It was as if it appeared by magic just like how your necklace did, Makenna!"
"How was your day, Caleb?" Makenna asked him, "Let's drop the topic about the mysterious appearance of the surfboard temporarily. I repeat. How was your day?"
"It was fine, thank you. Whoa wait!" Caleb's eyes and Mr. Delling's eyes had landed on Tracey who had woken up due to the noise. They immediately grinned. "Tracey!" Mr. Delling soon shouted. He slammed the driver's door shut, and the tail of his shirt got caught in it. Mr. Delling quickly grabbed it and pulled it out, however the shirt ripped in the process. He didn't care. He instead focused his attention on Tracey and yelled, "If it isn't our friend Tracey! He's back! Oh, ho, ho! I was getting worried! But you're back, Tracey!"
He hurried to Tracey and jerked him away from Makenna. "Dad, stop!" yelled his daughter. She held her hand out to her dad, "He's hurt! Bring it down!" Mr. Delling didn't listen.
He hugged Tracey as tightly as he could which his eyes popped, and he announced, "I knew you would return to us one of these days!" as he hugged him, "A fairy story isn't complete unless both fairies are involved! For a second, I was afraid I would never see you again!"

"OW!!" Tracey yelled. He tried to break free, but Mr. Delling held him tightly. "OW!!" repeated Merlin's apprentice. Caleb soon saw that he had broken wings, and he gasped.
He nodded at Makenna. Both he and she hurried to Tracey and dragged him away from Mr. Delling. "Stop!" Makenna yelled again, "He's hurt!" She and Caleb helped shaking Tracey onto the driveway, and Makenna took his hand. "Sorry, Tracey," she apologized. Mr. Delling tried to go to him again, but Gina and Raeven blocked his path and backed him up to his car. "Humans are not stealthy, unlike bats." Raeven told Makenna's dad, "So unfortunately, Mr. Delling, you aren't able to slip under one and sneak by us and come within reach of Tracey, like your Harry Potter in his Invisibility Cloak. You're cornered, man! Look me in the eyes! What do you see? You see a bat, right? Well beware! I don't want to have to use the Claw on you! Leave Tracey alone! We repeat, leave Tracey alone!" Makenna Delling met Caleb's eyes, and she nodded, saying, "Help me get him inside, Caleb. We've got to make sure Dad doesn't try to hug him again. I personally think he's taken this whole fairy thing to an unhealthy level."
"I agree." Caleb said, "All right. You get his left arm. I'll get his right. What about your surfboard?"
"Currently Tracey's more important than my surfboard," spoke Makenna, "I can always buy a new one if I lose that one. However, I can't buy another Tracey. There is only one of him, and I don't want to lose him to broken wings."
"How did it happen?" Caleb asked her. Both he and Makenna took Tracey by the arms and lugged him to his feet. As they dragged him toward their house, Makenna explained to Caleb the story about how Tracey broke his wings due to the Octopus Man.

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