29| "Who's Pregnant?"

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"This emergency girls' night is called to order," Rosie says, lifting her beer.

"Hear, hear!" Ellie taps her glass to Rosie's.

I grin at my friends. "Thank you, ladies. I'm grateful for you."

Rosie, Irene, Ellie, Nic, and I are all gathered into the booth at the back of Kim Brews. Ava's at home with Lauren, who has a nasty little baby cold, but I'm glad the rest of them found a way to meet up with me. Girls' nights have become a rare exception rather than a rule over the last year or so. Everyone's so busy.

"So," Ellie says, folding her arms and leaning forward. "What's the emergency? Jennie, are you pregnant?"

All the eyes at the table go wide and turn to me.

Rosie visibly brightens. "Do I finally have an excuse to kick Jisoo's ass for this whole 'we both need space' shit?"

Nic presses her hands to her mouth, and tears spill onto her cheeks in the space of a heartbeat. "You're pregnant?"

"Oh my God." I shake my head. These women are way too used to drama if they jump to such extreme assumptions. "This is how rumors get started."

"Who's pregnant?" Jin asks, stepping up to our table with a notepad in hand. He follows the gaze of everyone at the table to me and takes a half step back. "Holy shit. Does Jisoo know? Who's the father?"

"Stop. This womb is vacant, and I'm planning to keep it that way for a while yet." I can't help it. I laugh.

In addition to giving Jisoo space the last two weeks, I've been giving myself some space. I've needed it. I carried around an ugly secret for more than four years, and now that it's off my chest, I've actually been able to spend some time figuring out who I am.

"What about your stomach?" Jin asks, wielding his notepad. "Any plans to have new tenants there?"

Nic frowns. "That metaphor is weird. And not at all appetizing."

"Yeah," Jin says. "The second I heard myself say it, I regretted it."

"Jin," Ellie says, leaning forward on her elbows to get a better look at Jisoo's brother. "Levi said he heard that Lisa Manoban is looking for a vacation home in Jackson Harbor. If she needs a real-estate agent, please put in a good word for me."

Rosie's eyes go wide. "What? Lisa . . . What?"

"Who's Lisa Manoban?" I ask, then the familiar name clicks into place in my mind. There are Manoban pictures all over town. The woman is Jackson Harbor's single claim to fame. "Lisa Manoban, the actress?"

"Yeah," Ellie says. "She grew up here, and now she's looking for a vacation home or something."

"Why?" Rosie says, looking between Ellie and Jin. "She doesn't have any family here anymore. She.... Why?"

Jin frowns. "Why not? It's not like she can't afford it."

Ellie clears her throat. "The favor?"

He shrugs. "Lisa and I haven't really kept in touch. She was better friends with Jisoo than with me. Ask her." He taps his notepad. "So, what can I get you ladies?"

"Goat balls," Nic says.

"And cheese fries," Ellie adds.

Irene and I exchange a look. These girls can eat anything and still fit into their clothes. "Jin," I say.

He rolls his eyes. "Fine. Grilled chicken on lettuce for you two and my sister, but don't you dare tell anyone I'm serving that crap here. Or everyone's going to order it and then they'll stop coming because it's not good food."

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