14| "I'm Rooting For You."

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Kai is an ass. Granted, my introduction to the man skewed my opinion, but after thirty minutes in the same room as him, I can't imagine what Jennie ever saw in him, and I'm at a complete loss for as to why her mom and dad still adore him.

Jennie needed to meet with her mom and sister for a while, so I came down to the game room to kill time and shoot pool. Kai, Liam, and Travis, one of Liam's groomsmen, were already in here. I thought about turning around and going back to our room, but I decided to use the time to feel out the ex who's managed to keep a foothold in Jennie's life.

Had I not felt the way Jennie shook when she first saw him, and were he not obviously struggling to hide his irritation with my presence this weekend, I might have even fallen for his "everyone's best friend" act.

It's not just that he's hung up on Jennie. He tries too hard to be what everyone wants. And sure, during a celebratory weekend, everyone should play nice, but it's more than that. An agreeableness that almost ventures into creepy. I've learned very little except that the guy puts off a bad vibe and likes to talk about all the favors he's done for Jennie's parents and brag about how much they love him.

My phone buzzes with a text alert. Once. Twice. Three times. I pull it from my pocket to see messages from Soojoo.

Soojoo: Sorry if I was a bitch about everything.

Soojoo: You don't owe me any explanations. You said this was casual from the start.

Soojoo: I guess I caught feelings somewhere along the way.

"You and Jennie seem happy," Kai says, and I quickly darken the screen so he can't read over my shoulder.

"We are."

He smirks, as if he knows our secret. I don't care if he has me and Jennie figured out. Even if everyone involved in this wedding weekend knew the truth, I'd still want to spend it with Jennie. I won't leave her to fend for herself with this guy.

"Interesting," he murmurs, studying the pool table before leaning over to line up a shot. "Three ball, corner pocket." He points to the opposite side of the table then pulls his stick back to take the shot. The cue ball smacks into the red three, sending it spinning into the hole.

I scan the table. I'm decent at pool, though it's never been my favorite pastime. But Kai? He's running the table and threatening to sink the eight ball before I have a chance to make my move. Normally, I wouldn't care. I can be competitive, but I'm also completely comfortable with turning off that instinct in situations where it doesn't matter. But this guy? With his swagger and a BOSS tattoo on his bicep? I can't help but want to crush him at everything.

"You two need to get your story straight." He lines up his next shot. "When I was here last year, you said you'd been together two months. Funny to hear you say the same thing now, a year later."

"Can't both be true?" Liam asks. He hands me a beer.

"Thanks," I say, taking the bottle. I like Liam. Mostly because he seems like a genuine guy who's truly in love with his bride, but in my short time in here with them, his disdain for Kai has become apparent. If I'm honest, that makes me like him even more.

Kai shrugs. "I wonder how happy you can really be together if you keep breaking up." He hits his next shot, and the yellow solid rolls into the side pocket. "Maybe it's a sign."

Liam and I exchange a glance. Kai is trying so hard to bait me, but I'm not biting.

"Quit making trouble," Liam says. "They're obviously happy, and Jennie doesn't need you playing guard dog." Kai scowls at him, but Liam only laughs. "Dude, let it go. Sometimes your obsession with her is creepy as hell."

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