11| "Sweetie? Baby? Love bunny?"

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There are books you read when you're lonely and need to smile, but sometimes, those are the same books you definitely shouldn't read when you're actively lusting after your fake girlfriend. I've been waiting for this novel to come out for months—a sexy friends-to-lovers romance about a woman who sets out to seduce her best friend and falls in love in the process. It isn't doing my libido any favors. I either need to find something else or tell Jisoo I'm changing the rules of our arrangement, because the way this heroine thinks about her friend feels all too familiar.

One more page, then I'll put it down and find something else to do.

My phone buzzes before I have to confront how badly I just lied to myself.

Jisoo: You home?

Me: In my pajamas and curled up with a book. I'm trying to enjoy the calm before the chaos tomorrow.

Jisoo: Want to come to the door?

Frowning, I push the blanket off my lap and peek out the window. Sure enough, Jisoo's Jeep is parked in front of my house. I run to the door and pull it open to find her standing on my front step, a bouquet of bright sunflowers in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. My stomach flip-flops, practically reaching out and dancing happy circles with my libido. I try to ignore both. Friends.

"What's this?" I ask, pulling the door wider to let him in.

"Can't a woman bring her girlfriend flowers and wine?"

"Sure she can. But that doesn't answer my question."

Chuckling, she heads to my kitchen, sets the wine on the counter, and opens cabinets.

I follow her and grab a vase from under the island. "The wine glasses are by the fridge." As I reach for the flowers, the brush of our fingers sends a buzz of warmth through me—the twin to the buzz I felt when I opened the door and saw her. It's been a long day running errands and preparing for the wedding. I should've been too busy to think Jisoo's name . . . and yet I found myself alternating between giddy anticipation at spending my weekend with her and worries about spending it near Kai.

Every time I caught myself thinking about Jackson Harbor's most eligible woman, I'd feel a little pathetic, but seeing that she's clearly been thinking about me too? Yeah, hello, warm buzz. "Is this some sort of bribe?"

"I missed you, honey." She makes a face. "Sweetie? Baby? Love bunny?"

I yank the flowers away and laugh. "Jennie works fine."

"Oh, no. No one's going to buy it if I don't call you by some sort of endearment from time to time. What about legs? I really, really like your legs, so it would be from the heart, at least."

I roll my eyes and pull the kitchen scissors from the drawer. "You're not serious."

"Well, if I called you tits, I'd make myself look like an ass."

I snort then laugh fully when I can't hold it back anymore. "If you called me tits, I would think you were an ass. And then I'd kick you out on your ass."

"Then you'd call me an ass. Or a dick. See? Calling people by body parts is totally normal."

"And widely considered offensive. Please, resist."

"But earlobe has a nice ring to it. It's unique. Everyone would assume there was some heartfelt story behind it."

"Not legs, not tits, and definitely not earlobe."

"Are you sure?" She grins. "If I recall, you rather enjoy it when I give attention to that body part."

"I'm sure."

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