17| "You're The Worst Kind Of Heartbreaker, Jisoo."

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Mom stands at the foot of the stairs in the Hayhurst mansion. "Thank you, everyone, for an amazing day. Dinner will be served in an hour, and after that, I understand the bridal party has some plans for the evening."

"Hmm, what could we possibly do with an hour?" Jisoo asks, eyes dancing and all over me.

"It'll have to be a quick nap," Nayeon whispers to us. She grabs Liam's hand and races up the stairs.

Jisoo grins. "What do you say?" She asks, her voice low and husky. "Quick nap?"

My heart races and my stomach flips. I'm not sure what would've happened if Jin hadn't knocked on the door, but judging by the way Jisoo was kissing me, I know we weren't done. I'm realizing that when it comes to her, I'm not done with anything but lying to myself. I'm sick of pretending I don't want more.

"We should at least go . . . freshen up," I say, my voice a little high-pitched. Because hell.

She winks at me, and we're halfway up the stairs when my phone buzzes. I almost ignore it except . . . except this is my sister's weekend, and if she needs me or if my mom needs me to do something for her, she has to come first.

I pull it from my purse to look at the text. The picture there makes me freeze, one hand gripping the railing as the other grips my phone. Without thinking, I scan the faces in the lobby until I find Kai. He's grinning at me, and the anticipation that was flip-flopping my stomach moments ago turns to dread. He must have gotten a new number if this was from him.

Jisoo grazes her knuckles over my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

No. I'm not okay. Why does Kai even have these pictures? "Excuse me," I murmur.

I race up the stairs to our room, fumbling with the key at the door before closing myself in the bathroom. I slide down the wall, put my head in my hands, and try to remember how to breathe.

The soft rap of knuckles and then: "Jennie?" Jisoo's voice. Soft. Soothing. Worried.

I flinch. "I'm okay. I think maybe I . . . maybe I had too much bar food today." I bite my lip, hating the lie.

"Anything I can do?"

"No. I just need a minute. I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." She sighs heavily, and I imagine her closing her eyes. She knows me well enough that I'm sure she's not buying my lie. Hell, a few minutes ago, I was ready to come up here and jump her, and now I'm hiding in the bathroom.

I was an idiot to think Kai wouldn't find a way to get to me this weekend. I was an idiot who convinced myself I wanted Jisoo to save me from Kai, when the real thing I need to be saved from is my own mistakes.


With the exception of those held in honor of my brothers, bachelor parties aren't exactly my thing. And a bachelor party full of strangers is high on my list of activities I'd rather avoid.

I was hoping I'd get a pass, but Liam found me after dinner and insisted I join them. Even though I am a woman, I didn't really fit with Nayeon and her friends so Liam kindly asked me to join them when I said I would just stay in my room. With a broad smile and a smack on the back, he said he'd be disappointed if I didn't go. I like the guy, so honestly, that would have been enough, but I also figured that if I were really Teagan's girlfriend, I wouldn't hesitate to be kind in return.

So here I am, at the back of Kim Brews with a handful of strangers. Jennie's dad joined us for a drink then excused himself—no doubt wanting to spare himself any inappropriate conversation that might include his daughter and future son-in-law. Liam's dad is here, but he's content to sit at the bar and grill Jin on the science behind the perfect IPA.

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