7| "...I Need A Fake Girlfriend."

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I scored big when I found a house in my budget within walking distance to downtown Jackson Harbor. I love that I can get almost everywhere I want to go on foot, and when the weather is nice, I usually do. But after talking to my mom this morning, I hesitate outside my front door, fidgeting with my keys. It's a beautiful October evening. The sun sinks low on the horizon, painting the sky in red and orange and casting a magical glow around the rainbow of autumn colors in the trees. The light breeze is cool and bites at my cheeks, but I know it'll feel amazing when I start walking. If I can convince myself to walk.

Kim Jongin isn't in Jackson Harbor. He won't be here for another few days. But knowing he's coming has made me skittish in my own town.

"Screw you, Kai." I shove my keys into my purse and head to the sidewalk. I won't let the anticipation of his presence scare me into hiding.

It's a ten-minute walk to the bar, but I get there in eight, my steps quicker than usual. Usually, I enjoy the solitude of the short walk, but tonight, I'm anxious for company. I get my wish the moment I step into Kim Brews.

The bar is bustling with activity. The Chicago Bears are playing on the big screens, and the booths are filled with familiar faces enjoying a meal as they watch the game. I'm struck by a tug of tenderness. For this place. For this town.

Nayeon planned to do a destination wedding from the start—her genius way of avoiding the massive guest list of virtual strangers Mom and Dad wanted to put together for a wedding at home. When she picked Jackson Harbor, I was thrilled and not even a little surprised. She fell in love with this town at first sight, just like I did. She would've moved here after college if her fiancé, Liam, didn't already have a job back in Alexandria. She might not be able to move here with me, but if she can have her special day in the town that stole both of our hearts, I'm happy.

Or I was until I found out about Kai.

Now I wish Nayeon had allowed our parents to throw her the wedding of their dreams back in Virginia. I hate the idea of Kai being in this town—my town—even for a few days.

I could tell Nayeon I don't want Kai to come, and she would want to accommodate me. If I could find the courage to tell her the truth about him, she probably wouldn't have let my parents invite him in the first place. But when it comes to that secret, I've always been a coward.

I shake my head, trying to scatter the thoughts of my ex and his talents for getting whatever he wants. I take a seat at the bar and put my purse on the vacant stool beside me to save the space for Jisoo.

"What can I get you tonight?" Cindy asks, already pulling out a pint glass.

"I'll have the pumpkin ale."

Nodding, she pours my beer and slides it in front of me.

I scan the crowd, looking for Jisoo. It's odd. I don't know that I've ever had plans with only Jisoo. With many combinations of Kims and their girlfriends/fiancées/wives, sure, but Jisoo and I haven't had a reason to hang out, just the two of us. And if I'm honest, I would've found a way around it even if we did have one. Jisoo is far too tempting, and I wouldn't trust myself to resist her if we spent more time together.

My cheeks heat with the memory of how poorly I resisted temptation last night, and I bow my head and close my eyes, indulging in a moment and letting the memory wash over me.

"What I'd give to know what's going through that mind of yours right now."

I snap my head up to see Jisoo smiling at me. "Hey! You made it." She's in the same long-sleeve T-shirt and jeans she was wearing at my house this morning, but she looks a little disheveled, her thick, dark hair a mess, like maybe she just got up from a nap.

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