13| "Congratulations On Finding An Epic Love."

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A/N: Jinyoung died in the fire and is Jisoo's friend. Jennie's exes are Taehyung and Kai. Jin is Jisoo's brother and Rosie is Jisoo's sister. Nayeon is Jennie's sister.

"Welcome, welcome!" Mom says, grinning widely as she greets Jisoo and me at the doors to the Hayhurst mansion. Tall, lithe, and exuding class, my mom is as beautiful today as she was when I was a little girl. She has honey-brown hair that she wears in an asymmetrical bob and blue eyes that brighten when she takes in Jisoo. "I'm LouAnn, Jennie's mom. I'm so happy to meet the local hero!"

Beside me, Jisoo stiffens, but she takes her offered hand and shakes it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am. Jennie's told me a lot about you."

"I wish I could say the same," Mom says, flashing me a glare. "But my daughter's been keeping your relationship a secret."

"We didn't know if it would go anywhere," I say. I'm sure I'm going to have to repeat the words a hundred times this weekend. I love my mom, but she takes the whole Catholic mom guilt-trip cliché to the next level.

"She wasn't sure," Jisoo says, grinning at my mother in a way I'm sure will melt the ice-queen thing she's got going on. "I've been biding my time until she was willing to give me a chance."

"Well," Mom says, softening as I knew she would, "I can certainly see why she couldn't resist."

Dad steps up beside her and smiles. I feel ten again at the sight of him in his typical dress pants and suit jacket, his dark hair parted to the side. I favor my father—the pale skin, and full lips, the build that leans more brickhouse than ballerina. Dad offers Jisoo his hand. "I'm Taeyang. You must be Jisoo," he says, his words still curled with shades of the accent that hasn't quite disappeared in his thirty-some years in the U.S.

"I am. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

"Don't mind my wife. She likes to worry." He turns to me and opens his arms. "How's my beautiful girl?"

I step into his warm embrace, letting him hug me and wrap me in the scent of the cologne he's worn since I was a little girl. "I'm fine, Dad. How was your flight?"

"Oh, fine, but I'm glad to finally be here. I don't get to spend enough time with both of my girls under one roof anymore." He kisses the top of my head before pulling away.

"Taeyang, we need to meet with the wedding planner," Mom says. "She has a few items to run by us."

Dad huffs good-naturedly and tells Jisoo, "She means checks she needs me to write."

Jisoo laughs. "I won't keep you. It was nice to meet you both."

"Likewise, Jisoo. We'll all talk more at dinner, I'm sure." Mom looks me over and frowns at the décolletage exposed by my V-neck sweater. "Try to dress appropriately, darling. It's not at some wild dance club."

Jisoo doesn't bother disguising her snort of amusement, but I sigh. "Yes, Mother." And we both watch them go before Jisoo turns to me and examines my jeans and sweater.

"Am I supposed to believe your mother thinks that sweater is scandalous?"

I shake my head. "Like I said, conservative."

"Wow." Her gaze dips to the same V my mom disapproved of. "I hope you won't be taking her fashion advice anytime soon."

I open my mouth to respond but am cut off by a shrieked "Jennie!" and I turn to see my sister rushing toward me, her arms wide.

I can't help but smile when I see her. In my mind,  Nayeon will always be the baby sister I got for Christmas. Many people told little-girl me that she wasn't mine, but I didn't believe them. When you ask Santa for a baby for Christmas and he delivers, she's yours. So Nayeon was and always has been. Since I moved to Jackson Harbor, I haven't gotten to visit her nearly as often as I'd like, but that hasn't changed the surge of love that fills me every time I see her.

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