26| "You Two Deserve Each Other."

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She came. Jisoo came to the wedding. I almost cried with relief when I saw her seated in the pew behind my mother, but I kept it together. Of course she came. She's Jisoo Kim, and I can count on her.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that the hour-long ceremony passes in a blur, and before I know it, Nayeon and Liam are kissing and everyone's cheering as they head back down the aisle. The bridal party follows, and we take our places for the receiving line.

Sabrina nudges me when I stand too close to her. "Back off, would you?" She's been shitty with me all morning, and I've ignored her. I do the same now. I wish we could both let go of the past, but she'll probably always hate me for what happened with Taehyung.

The next fifteen minutes are a blur of greetings and handshakes as everyone makes their way through the receiving line. I wait and wait for Jisoo to come through, but she doesn't. I spot her across the church vestibule, talking to Liam's dad. She looks somber, and when I catch her eye, she nods solemnly and gives me a subdued smile before following the rest of the guests out of the church.

I try not to read too much into that, but I can't help it, and all through the pictures, I analyze that half-smile from a hundred different angles. Is she still mad at me? Does she want to talk? Or is she just biding her time until the weekend is over and she can get away from this mess?

Valarie claps her hands. "Okay, everyone! I need the bridal party to go out front. The limo will take you to the reception while the bride and groom finish pictures."

I go to my sister and pull her into a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you."

Nayeon squeezes me tightly. "Not as happy as I am for you. Good things are happening between you and Jisoo. She's the one for you. I know it."

My eyes burn with the tears that have been threatening all day. I hurt Jisoo, and if I'd been honest with myself, I would've realized I was pushing her away because I was scared. Because I knew she'd be able to hurt me more than anyone else. In my desperate attempt to save my heart, I broke hers.

And she showed up anyway.

She's playing the good girlfriend, even though I've proven to be a shitty friend.

When Nayeon pulls back, she cocks her head to the side and smiles at me. "Don't get in your own way, okay?"

"I'm afraid it might be too late for that," I whisper, and to my dismay, a tear slips free.

She squeezes my wrist. "We'll talk. As soon as all the formal stuff is done, we'll sneak away in the limo and talk it out."

"No. Absolutely not." I shake my head. "Nayeon, it's your wedding day. I'm fine."

She sweeps away my hot tears. "You're my sister, and I want to be there when you need me."

I kiss her cheek. "You always have been. I'll see you at the reception."

Liam and Nayeon follow the photographer for more pictures, and I head outside with the rest of the bridal party. I'm the last to pile into the limo and have to take the only open seat—beside Sabrina. She pulls away from me and sneers.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes. "Nothing. I'm just having a shit day."

When Kai climbs in after me, I balk. This limo is for the bridal party. "What are you doing here?"

"I asked him to stick around," Sabrina says, flashing me a look that dares me to defy his right to be here. "For me."

Kai winks at me from the seat opposite us. The groomsmen dig into the mini fridge and pull out bottles of champagne. Kai grabs one. "Here we go," he says, popping the cork. The champagne bubbles over the side, and he hands the bottle to me. "Your favorite champagne, if I recall."

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