17| "You're The Worst Kind Of Heartbreaker, Jisoo."

Start from the beginning

The good news is that the party seems to be nothing more than hanging at my family's bar playing poker. The bad news is I managed to find myself seated right next to Kai.

"Jennie seemed upset at dinner," Kai says, eyes on his cards. "Is everything okay?"

I bite back my scowl. "She's great. Why would you say that?" Or she was great until someone sent her a text that upset her—a text she wouldn't even talk to me about. She was distant the rest of the evening, claiming she wanted a shower before dinner and then avoiding my gaze all through the meal.

Did he send the text? Is that why he has that knowing smirk on his face?

"Oh, I know Jennie, and she definitely was not fine. In fact, she seemed pretty distressed. I would've thought you'd . . ." Kai's jaw drops, and I turn in the direction of his stare as Soojoo slides into my lap.

"Hey, you!" She wraps her arms behind my neck and nuzzles my ear. "How are you? God, I've missed you this last week. Maybe I wouldn't have but that conference was a drag, and I miss our dirty texts, and I've been dying to talk to you and here you are. What do you say we get out of here?"

"Soojoo." I push her away gently. "You're drunk."

"Does it matter?" She giggles. Kai is watching everything. She wiggles in my lap, and I scoot my chair back to stand, forcing her to her feet too.

"We aren't doing this anymore, remember?" I say softly.

Soojoo's lips curve into a pout, and I can see the moment the memory registers in her drunken brain. Her eyes fill with tears. "You didn't really explain. I know this wasn't supposed to be serious, but it always felt like more than just fun to me."

Now the whole damn table is watching us. Kai looks cocky as hell, and Liam's brow crinkles as his gaze bounces between me and Soojoo.

"Can we go outside and talk?" I ask softly.

Soojoo nods, her chin wobbling, and I lead her outside.

The night is cool but still warm enough that downtown is bustling with people enjoying the last weeks of balmy weather before winter comes. "Come back here," I say, nodding down the alley. We'll talk in the back where there are fewer eyes.

"I'm such an idiot," she says, sniffing beside me. "God, it's no wonder you don't want to really be with me if I get drunk and forget important things, like Hey, that asshole dumped you."

I tilt my face to the sky and make myself process her words.



Soojoo knew the score. She knew I was seeing other people. Knew I didn't want anything serious. But it doesn't matter, and I should've known this would happen.

"I'm sorry, Jisoo." She sniffs and wipes away her tears. "Shit. I'm so sorry."

"Soojoo. . ." I squeeze her shoulder, and she leans into me, placing her head on my chest. "I'm the one who owes you an apology. I should've waited until you got back into town to tell you about Jennie and me. I handled it badly, and I'm sorry."

"I don't understand why she gets more and I'm only good for . . ." She sniffs then straightens, wiping her cheeks. "Damn it, I'm so pathetic."

"You're not. And I am sorry."

"I really didn't mean to fall for you." She lifts her chin as if she's grappling to find her pride. "We're friends, and we were never supposed to be more. You never led me to believe otherwise. But I . . . wanted to."

"I'm really sorry." I could repeat myself a hundred times, but the words aren't enough. I never meant to hurt her, but saying so now makes me sound like a massive cliché. Like I'm just an ass who's delivering lines to get himself out of trouble.

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